--- Bill Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>     Well I started over again installed pkg-config. Set the variable in
> .bash_profile and installed glib fine. Then I tried atk. Atk could find
> pkgconfig but not glib. I set the LD_CONFIG_LIB or something like that
> variable that didn't work. I tried setting the path in ld.so.conf and ran
> ldconfig. That didn't work. I looked into Sergei's tool and couldn't get
> anywhere there either. I have X installed too. I tried pkg-config --cflag
> glib-2.0 and got part of a compiler line but I don't know where to put it.
> pkg-config --lib glib-2.0 gave me part of a line to use with gcc too but I'm
> trying to get configure to work. I've tried all I know to try.
> Bill
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And what about my tool ? I mean, what were the errors if any ?

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