Well, calling gdk_window_invalidate_rect doesn't appear to be helping. 
gtk_widget_queue_draw and gtk_widget_queue_resize didn't help either, applied 
either to the table or to its parent. This is a darn bizarre bug, especially 
since it now appears not to occur on Linux, only Windows.

New problem: I'm trying to put a GtkButton in one column of this GtkTable. But 
it isn't showing up properly, or properly calling its "clicked" handler.

I'm using gtk_button_new_with_label("Button");, but the button shows up without 
a label and only about 1 space wide.

----- Original Message -----
Date: Monday, February 18, 2008 11:56 am
Subject: Re: GtkTable isn't updating properly

> On 18/02/2008, Lindley M French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a GtkTable containing labels and entries. I don't want 
> all label/entry pairs to be visible at all times. To control this, 
> I use gtk_widget_show/hide on the labels and entries of a given row.
> >
> > Previously, this worked just fine. After I refactored slightly, 
> it no longer does, and I cannot pin down the reason.
> I find I have to call gtk_widget_queue_resize() on the widget
> enclosing the table after a table's member changes size. I'd try
> putting in a few of them after you change the visibility of your
> labels and entries.
> If your table is large, you'll also find that having many gtkentries
> is very slow. If possible, it's much faster to create and destroy them
> rather than to show and hide.
> John
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