On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 22:18 +0100, Johannes Lorenz wrote:
> Kristian Rietveld wrote:
> > You can try to use the "visible" property on the cell renderers.  For
> > example, you would pack all cell renderers that can possibly appear in
> > the column and then set the visible properties from a CellDataFunc
> > accordingly.
> Where can I do this? In my example, I append a row. I can give the columns in 
> this row different values, but where can I set visibility there?
> Below, some parts of my code are listed
> ---------------
> My Column Record:
> class OptColumns : public TreeModel::ColumnRecord
> {
>       public:
>               OptColumns()
>               {
>                       add(col_value);
>                                       add(col_textedit);
>                                       add(col_checkbox);
>               }
>       // private:
>               TreeModelColumn<string> col_value; // always there
>               // variable:
>               TreeModelColumn<string> col_textedit;
>               TreeModelColumn<bool> col_checkbox;
> };
> ---------------
> The constructor code:
>       Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> OptTreeModel; // like Gtk::ListStore*
>               // Fill the TreeView's model:
>               TreeModel::Row row1 = *(OptTreeModel->append()); // 1st row
>               row1[OptCols.col_value] = "links"; // I can set values here, 
> but how to 
> modify the widgets?
>               row1[OptCols.col_checkbox] = false;
>               TreeModel::Row row2 = *(OptTreeModel->append());
>               row2[OptCols.col_value] = "links";
>               row2[OptCols.col_textedit] = "test";

This code is all for the TreeModel, not for the TreeView, so it does not
seem relevant.

You probably want TreeView::set_cell_data_func():

This is used in some of the gtkmm TreeView examples:

By the way, you are more likely to get gtkmm-specific help on the
gtkmm-list mailing list.


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