On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 3:47 AM, Liu, Raymond <raymond....@intel.com> wrote:

> >
> >you should read:
> >
> >  http://live.gnome.org/Valgrind
> >
> >before using Valgrind with GLib or GTK+ based applications.
> >
> Thanks a lot ;)
> With the gtk.suppression file for 2.12, 30% of the fake memory leak issues
> are gone.
> While, still quite many of them remain. I can add more suppress rules, but
> I am not sure whether they are real of fake memory leak issues.
> So is there any latest suppression files for gtk / glib?
You can always build your own suppression file. Follow the instructions
provided by libchamplain [1] in the section "Valgrind error suppression".

The idea is to make a short hello world program that has no code leak (from
the developer point of view) and to tell valgrind to build an error
supression list. Then you can use that list with your programs.

[1] http://live.gnome.org/libchamplain/contributor
Emmanuel Rodriguez
gtk-list mailing list

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