I'm calling gtk_tree_view_get_cursor 

It turns out that it isn't so much returning a path of "0" for the header, it's 
returning the last valid path the treeview had. For instance, if I am on the 
fourth row, if I move my focus up to the header and call 
gtk_tree_view_get_cursor, path is returned as "4". Not sure why it doesn't set 
path to NULL.

All I'm really after is a way to tell if the focus is in the header or on one 
of the rows, so if there is a clean way to do that I'd love to know.

From: Tadej Borovšak [tadeb...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 12:32 PM
To: Paul Stuart
Cc: gtk-list@gnome.org
Subject: Re: GtkTreeView Path Ambiguity (Header vs First Row )


>  When we print out the string name of path in our GtkTreeView, we see "0" for 
> the header and "0" for the first row in the model. How does one distinguish 
> between the two without resorting to hackish workarounds?

As far as I know, headers don't have a path associated with it. How do
you event retrieve it?


Tadej Borovšak
gtk-list mailing list

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