Hi all.

I recently decided to install Gentoo on an Oracle VirtualBox VM, just to get
the hang of how to set up a complete desktop system before installing it for
real on my computer. However, when trying to install the GTK+ suite, that
was when I hit a wall I haven't been able to overcome.

When I build the gdk-pixbuf library, a program that is part of the build
process segfaults and the build fails. I have already tried with Gentoo's
ebuild, the official version 2.22.1 package from the GNOME source tree, an
older version (2.21.3), and none of them will build. I posted a thread on
the Gentoo forums, 60 people have read it and none of them knew what to do.
I filed a bug report on Gentoo's Bugzilla, so far it's still unconfirmed.

More information (including the build log) can be found in the bug report
itself: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=372111

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