
you probably want to ask on gtk-devel-list.



On 12 November 2013 20:24, Jérôme Lambourg <lambo...@adacore.com> wrote:
> Hello list,
> I’m not sure if this is the right list for this email, feel free to blame me 
> (and indicate me where to post it) if I’m not in the right place. I thought 
> first to post in on the osx-specific list, but this is a more general concern 
> for gtk I think.
> I started implementing a native theme for OSX using Cocoa primitives (NSCells 
> mainly, plus other OS-specific APIs). To do so, I took the win32 theme 
> example, and so patched the theme directly into gtk itself (plus a bit of 
> enhancements to gdk, but that’s ok as this is in the quartz-specific part) to 
> handle so-called cssimages for the widgets backgrounds (redirected to drawing 
> primitives of the OS), specific metrics in the form of -gtk-quartz-metric as 
> well as colors in the form of -gtk-quartz-color(<parameter>).
> In my opinion that’s a lot of hacking directly into gtk, and this does not 
> look right. Are there any plans to allow theme engines to perform this kind 
> of customisation ? Something I missed ? Is there a better way to allow me to 
> perform those os-specific css-like values that are: color definitions, 
> metrics for widgets, fonts name and size, and widgets background images ?
> Thanks in advance for your comments.
> Kind regards,
> - Jerome

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