On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 7:26 PM, Stefan Salewski <m...@ssalewski.de> wrote:
> On Fri, 2015-06-12 at 23:13 +0000, Gulshan Singh wrote:
>> I actually asked in #gtk+ on Freenode, but didn't get any response. I
>> asked
>> again on the GNOME server, and I got an answer that worked:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30791670/how-to-style-a-gtklabel-with-css/30813433#30813433
> That link is StackOverflow, not GNOME!
> Fine that it works for you now. My feeling was, that
> gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen() affects not only your
> application, but all GTK applications on that screen?

No. This is a misnomer. For historical reasons, a "GDK Screen" simply
refers to the place where windows are created from. You connect to a
"display", which is a display server which has multiple "screens", and
each "screen" allows you to create windows on it.

Calling gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen tells it to affect
all windows that your process creates, on that screen. It will not
affect other processes' windows.

It is confusing, though, I will admit. If we were to redesign GDK (or
X11) today, we wouldn't use the confusing "display" / "screen"

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