On Fri, 2016-07-01 at 21:19 +0200, Glus Xof wrote:
> The Stefan's proposed solution doesn't run for me.... and I don't
> understand why...

That is sad...

You are on Linux?

Of course your 3.21 is the unstable development version.

You may test if the css file does work at all, or if only your tree
view does not work.

Instead of GtkTreeView row:selected you may try GtkEntry:selected --
for me that gave black text input fields. If that does not work, then
maybe your Linux distribution use different paths for the css files. I
think ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css is a typical location, I am using
Gentoo Linux. Of course file permissions may be important, I think read
access may be important.

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