I see. Sorry to ruffle your feathers :) Until now, I was under the
impression that this was the way things are done - as you note, it's
what's recommended to us evil Perl users. I've done some parts
threaded already, but I've found implementations on different
platforms ( eg Windows ) kinda temperamental. Anyway, thanks for the
response and explanation.


On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Emmanuele Bassi <eba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi;
> On 29 July 2016 at 04:48, Daniel Kasak <d.j.kasak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> I've got some convenience functions that update a progress bar for long
>> running operations. I do:
>> Gtk3::main_iteration() while ( Gtk3::events_pending() );
> Stop. I know this kind of behaviour is peddled and cargo culted on
> gtk-perl-list because "hey, it works in my abominable 2500 lines
> single file Perl program that I have to use for work and nobody will
> ever bother to read or change", but it's a really stupid thing to do,
> that goes against the design of GTK+.
> Either you move your blocking code inside a thread and update the UI
> using Glib::idle_add(), like any sensible person would; or you stop
> using synchronous operations blocking the main loop, and then try to
> "catch up" at the end so that your UI doesn't continuously lock up.
> Those two functions are a crutch that expose design and implementation
> issues in your code, or in the library code you're using. Stop hurting
> yourself.
> The only reason why those two functions haven't been deprecated — and
> I swear I'll deprecate them before we get into GTK+ 4 — is because
> they were used in the test suite, i.e. for controlled, non-interactive
> use cases.
>>  ... ( in Perl ) after updating the progress bar, so that the window's
>> contents are updated while my code continues to run. This works great in X
>> and wayland. However in broadway, I quite often see CPU usage in broadwayd
>> rise to 100%, and my application hang, immediately after the above line of
>> line.
> You're doing a busy loop.
>> Is this known to be not safe under broadway?
> That construct is known to be unsafe *everywhere*. The only reason why
> you don't get into a busy loop just as often is that you're getting
> another process involved (the X server on X11, the Wayland compositor
> on Wayland) and that introduces a potential lag between the "events
> pending" and the "main iteration" steps of the loop.
> You're doing something broken. Stop doing it.
> Ciao,
>  Emmanuele.
> --
> https://www.bassi.io
> [@] ebassi [@gmail.com]
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