

I have an app that uses GTK with both Windows and Linux versions, and which
I just upgraded from GTK 2 to GTK 3 (3.22.1). In testing this new version
something that I noticed is that opening a file chooser dialog is extremely
slow on my main desktop PC which runs Windows 10 64-bit, taking about 15
seconds for it to open. Yet on the other Windows PCs that I have to hand, a
laptop running Windows 7 64-bit and a tablet running Windows 10 32-bit, it
works fine and the file chooser dialogs open immediately. Also they open
nice and quickly when the exact same app is run in a Windows 7 64-bit VM on
this same desktop PC.


A little debugging showed that the time is spent in
gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new which takes 15 seconds to execute. I tried
switching to gtk_file_chooser_native_new instead but it too has the same
problem taking just as long.


So I tried running an older version of the app with GTK 2.24.10 on this PC
and it too shows the problem, although it is not so bad, taking about 10
seconds to open the file chooser (three file chooser opens in quick
succession actually take 10, 5 and 5 seconds where all three take 15 seconds
when doing the same with GTK 3).


I'm planning on opening a bug report, but figured I'd ask first in case this
is a known problem or to see if anyone has any ideas about it?


It is easily demonstrated - the small demo program that I attached to a
previous bug report @ https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=559034
shows it when compiled with GTK 3.22.1 (although it needs a couple of minor
edits for that).



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