FWIW, the GJS experience is increasingly improving and keeping the pace of
modern JS syntax and features, but also with react-gtk moving on top of
node-gtk, hopefully more people will try to contribute to the GTK project.

It sadden me to read there's no intent whatsoever to land on mobile, 'cause
I think the GNOME tablet-like experience is already good.

The cross platform portability doesn't bother me too much, except for
WebKit2GTK which is nowhere in home-brew and less seamless user friendly
through macports, but it works great on Windows through SWL and Xamarin
(just need n auto-start on .bashrc that launches it if `Gtk.init(null)`

Last, but not least, it's surprising, if not shocking, there are so many
projects around GTK and only 2 full time employees there.

This info alone might scare adoption when you know the alternative has
definitively more horsepower in terms of development.

However, my experience with Qt, specifically with Qml, is that it breaks
somehow with every minor release so it's practically terrible to use. Even
creating a full screen window is cumbersome from a version to another, but
again the only reason I'd choose it is its chromium based web view, even if
it works best only in Xorg, but no Wayland.

Thanks for the team behind Gtk, hope I could help more but I'm full time
employee myself and we're not using Gtk so I couldn't justify more time on

Best Regards

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 9:22 AM Stefan Salewski <m...@ssalewski.de> wrote:

> On Sun, 2019-03-10 at 09:38 +0000, Emmanuele Bassi via gtk-list wrote:
> > Nobody involved with the development of GTK even reads this list,
> > except me,
> I had that impression in the last 6 years, thanks for confirming.
> My conclusion was, that nearly no one was working on or with GTK any
> more. Because it is really hard to imagine that someone still
> interested in GTK not even read this list. (OK, for giants like Donald
> E. Knuth one would be not surprised, I once heard that he switched off
> email totally) I have asked google about GTK a few times in the last
> years, what I found was basically: Some blog post about you (I think it
> was that you have no much hope for Vala, I do agree), something about a
> woman from south America who was working for a few weeks on a game
> sponsored by GSOC, and some notes from someone like Carlsen, but I can
> not remember. So I have not yet investigated that Discourse mentioned
> recently on this list, maybe I should do?
> GTK has some justification still as it can be used from many
> programming languages easily. I guess you know my GTK3 Nim bindings
> https://github.com/StefanSalewski/gintro
> It is not perfect yet, and was some work to do. And I think that
> bindings for C++, Python and Rust are fine. Bindings for other
> languages like Ruby, Haskell, D-Lang, Crystal exists basically.
> And while most people would prefer Qt GUI creating bindings for other
> languages seems to be really hard, due to C++ classes, templates, MOC
> and all that. Qt may be fine when one is using C++, and someone told me
> that at least Python wrapper is not that bad, and I think I saw some
> basic Crystal bindings recently. But generally creating complete,
> bugfree high level Qt bindings is very very hard or at least very very
> much work. So I have not much hope for excellent Qt support for all the
> interesting new languages which appeared in the recent years.
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