Hi Victor,

glib is definitely cross-platform friendly. I use it on linux, windows and
mac without issues.
Whether it is worth for your use case that is something you should think by
yourself :)


On Tue, Apr 2, 2019 at 10:53 AM Victor Aurélio Santos via gtk-list <
gtk-list@gnome.org> wrote:

> I'm working in a cross-platform game and got in a point that i have to
> create a configuration file, that should be written in right place for
> each platform.
> This game previous uses SDL 1.2, I do a lot of working and port it to
> SDL 2. In SDL2 there's `SDL_GetPrefPath` that looks good at least
> until i see it's output (Linux):
> /home/victor/.local/share/{game_name}/
> I was expecting something like this (Linux):
> /home/victor/.config/{game_name}/
> So i started a search for a lightweight, well-known, cross-platform
> friend library that can do the work and got almost nothing.
> In my search i got two ways not lightweight, that should do the job:
>  - boost::filesystem
>  - Qt
> and seeing Qt, I can't forget Gtk/Gdk/Gio/Glib.
> Glib can do this work and more! e.g. i'm using `cxxopts` to parse
> command line options (i can replace with glib), i do a lot of string
> manipulation that glib can simplify.
> my real questions is: does glib worth the new dependency in my game?
> does glib is cross-platform friend?
> Thanks in anyway and sorry for my english.
> --
> Victor Aurélio Santos
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