
Launched in 2011, the gtk-fortran library offers interfaces to around 10000
GTK functions (GTK, GDK, GdkPixbuf, Cairo, Pango, ATK, GLib, GObject, GIO)
using the ISO_C_BINDING module. Although mainly developed under Linux, you
can easily use it under Windows via MSYS2. It runs also under UNIX systems
like BSD and macOS. Note that gtk-fortran offers also an interface to
PLplot. It is distributed under GNU GPLv3 license.

The 19.04 release is based on GTK 3.24.8, GLib 2.60.0 and GTK 2.24.32. Main
new features are:
- tools to identify deprecated GTK functions,
- parallel building (make -j) for the gtk3 branch,
- an improved and updated documentation,
- bug fixes in the examples
- ...

Concerning the future, the project is slowly preparing to the arrival of GTK
4. A migration from CMake to Meson (now used by GTK) is also considered.

New contributors are of course welcome ! (We are not Legion).

The home of the project is here :

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