> On Jan 17, 2020, at 2:08 PM, Pascal <p....@orange.fr> wrote:
> Hello John,
>> Le 17 janv. 2020 à 04:42, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> a écrit :
> ...
>> That's not an application as far as MacOS is concerned. If it even launches 
>> it's only because you built it yourself; it wouldn't even launch on a 
>> different Mac because downloaded bundles aren't allowed to access binaries 
>> only in the bundle or in the system folders /usr/lib, /usr/bin, and 
>> /System/Library/Frameworks.
>> Did you grant disk access to the bundle or to the external binary? I'd think 
>> it would have to be the external binary and that the bundle wouldn't 
>> actually matter.
> I did both without success.
>> Since you didn't use Gtk-OSX to build the binary nor gtk-mac-bundler to make 
>> the bundle, why did you think that this is an appropriate mailing list in 
>> which to seek support?
> Well, I did use GTK-OSX (what made you think not?) but I confess not 
> gtk-mac-bundler as my manual way worked so far ;-)
> I ask here to know if somebody here faced this issue with their GTK programs 
> on macOS Catalina, what have been done then to fix it or get some clues, if 
> someone heard about some Apple help material.
> Is it the case?
> By the way, during googling I saw many programs (not from the Apple 
> ecosystem) concerned as emacs or gimp, it's quite regrettable that there were 
> not more support from Apple to the opensource community.

You didn't mention gtk-osx, only that you'd put the actual program outside of 
the bundle.

Now-now. Apple supports lots of open-source projects where they see it in their 
interest: consider llvm, lldb, and webkit: All are basically Apple projects.

Catalina won't let you have a bundle that runs a program that's not in the 
bundle, nor will it allow a bundled program to dyld libraries outside of the 
bundle and not in the system library directories. (You can dlopen outside 
libraries from pre-specified locations if you use the plugins entitlement when 
code signing the bundle, but that's a bit different.)

The simplest path forward is to use gtk-mac-bundler.

John Ralls

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