* Kevin C. Krinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-02-04 22:40]:
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to other CPAN XML modules
> that preserve prefixing and suffixing whitespace of tagged
> contents?

I'd suggest trying XML::LibXML before you finalize your decision
to stick with XML::Parser -- not the least reason being that
::LibXML depends on libxml2, which a gtk+ system is likely to
have. Of course libxml2 is also a damn great XML library besides.
::Parser wraps expat, which is a separate dependency and not
nearly as nice to work with, being that it was written at a time
before all the relevant XML standard specs were set in stone (ie
as far as I'm concerned, expat and thus the whole ::Parser family
is kind of obsolete (maybe I should write XML::Simple::LibXML)).

"Like punning, programming is a play on words."
  -- Alan J. Perlis, "Epigrams in Programming"
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