On Tue, 2005-07-19 at 00:15 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I found the thread "Freeze a treeview column" from April 2004 very
> useful, and am using two treeviews which share a model for a project.
> The linking of the scrollbars was easy, but I also need to link the
> expand/compact behavior of the two views (so when the user clicks
> the little triangle to expand the children in one view, the triangle
> also gets "clicked" in the other treeview)

Connect to the row-expanded and row-collapsed signals of the views and
do the appropriate action on the other view.  Make sure you block the
corresponding signal handler when you do this -- otherwise you get
endless loops.  Untested proof of concept:

my ($expanded_handler_one, $expanded_handler_two);

$expanded_handler_one = $view_one->signal_connect (row_expanded => sub {
  my ($view, $iter, $path) = @_;
  my $path_two = get_path_for_view_two ($path);

  $view_two->signal_handler_block ($expanded_handler_two);
  $view_two->expand_row ($path_two, FALSE);
  $view_two->signal_handler_unblock ($expanded_handler_two);

$expanded_handler_two = $view_two->signal_connect (row_expanded => sub {
  my ($view, $iter, $path) = @_;
  my $path_one = get_path_for_view_one ($path);

  $view_one->signal_handler_block ($expanded_handler_one);
  $view_one->expand_row ($path_one, FALSE);
  $view_one->signal_handler_unblock ($expanded_handler_one);

And the same for row_collapsed.  This looks rather ugly, so maybe
there's a better way to do it.


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