
muppet 2005. október 16. 05.07 dátummal ezt írta:
> You really haven't given us much to go on.

Ok, you're absolutely right, sorry, stopped.

> What we know:
> - A gtk2-perl program, known good because it ships with gtk2-perl and  
> works fine on other distros.
> - on Mandriva 2006 with Gtk2 1.083 the stock items don't show up in  
> buttons.
> - Stock items show up in the stock browser.
> - You are running KDE.  (as seen in the screenshot, that's Kicker's  
> clock)


> What we can infer:
> - Since the stock browser works, the builtin stock items are all  
> right, so the stock system is neither broken nor missing.

Yes. Completed: there's know any error messages.

> What we don't know:
> - What theme are you using?  (Themes and gtkrcs can disable showing  
> stock items in buttons.)

At first there wasn't any set theme, just default. After I switched with 
'switch' program to GTK Revisited Bubbles theme just for try, but issue was 
same: no stocks on buttons.

> - Do you have the hicolor theme installed?

Yes, hicolor-icon-theme was/is installed.

> - Does this malady afflict other gtk+ / gnome programs not written in  
> gtk2-perl?

There wasn't any running other gtk+/gnome program, so there couldn't be 
running malfunctioning program.

> I suspect your theme or other distro setup merely has "stock items in  
> buttons" turned off someplace.

It seems like it possibility "turned off" only for Perl-Gtk2. (Eg.: Gimp2.02 
works fine.) But I think it is not reason of the trouble.

(I don't really hold to eg. Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock ('gtk-help') method 
if there's an other way for showing of stock items, but that's will be the 
last what I would do.)

Thanks, muppet. Do you have other ideas?


Péter Simon (Pepó)

GPRS Easy Connect team
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