Hi Joe, my hero

On Thu, 2006-05-18 at 08:37 -0400, Joe Smith wrote:
> Emmanuele Bassi wrote:
> > ...
> > We really, *really* need some hero to take over the tutorial and finish
> > it off.  ...
> Hey, I've been lurking around here in awe of the great work you guys 
> have done on gtk-perl; maybe this is something I could help with. 
> However, I think it really takes an expert to write a good tutorial, and 
> I'm no expert at Gtk, or Perl (although I think there are only about 5 
> Perl _experts_... maybe it's some kind of cosmic limit).

The tutorial would benefit of the point of view from a newcomer, as he
or she knows better what are the pitfalls and the tricky issues when
dealing with Perl and GTK.

For the time being, the editorial choice was to follow the C tutorial,
to the point of actually lifting entire chapters from it, and landing
them after a short editing inside the Perl version.  Once feature
equivalence was reached, the plan was to add the more Perl-ish sections,
like some recipes or examples where gtk-perl is actually easier for the
new user than C.

James Curbo and me left two files about the coding and writing style for
the tutorial: you can find them here:


> As long as someone with better skills than mine will agree to be an 
> editor, and promise to answer some dumb questions, I'll give it a go.

The entire tutorial is in CVS: you can download the source SGML file,
change it and then send me patches: I'll try and review them as soon as
I receive them; if I'm being lazy, you're authorised to complain
publicly on the list about me being the bottleneck: within 24 hours, a
couple of guys with a blowtorch will be shipped to my address and I
won't be a bottleneck anymore, I swear.


Emmanuele Bassi - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Log: http://log.emmanuelebassi.net

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