
I wanted to modify the response of my program based upon keyboard entry.
Thus I would like the key_press_event to capture which key was entered.

Now I saw some of the example code in the examples section, such as
histogram.pl do not set up a key-press-mask.

1. Is that event automatic for a Gtk2::DrawingArea, and only needed for a 
(also I notice that Gtk2::DrawingArea isn't in object-browser)

I tried the following code in my application
and I got no output. :(

  $drawing_area->set_events ([qw/exposure-mask
$drawing_area->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_press_event);

sub key_press_event {
my $widget=shift ;
my $event=shift;
print "we got called \n";
my $keyval= $event->keyval;
if ($keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::KeySyms{Up}) {
print "we got an up arrow yay!!! \n";



and nothing happened with any key press events :(.

Here is a simple example:


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Gtk2 '-init';
my  $window = Gtk2::Window->new ('toplevel');

my $button= Gtk2::VBox->new;
my $draw =  Gtk2::DrawingArea->new;
 $draw->add_events ([qw/exposure-mask
 $draw->signal_connect (motion_notify_event => \&motion_notify_event);
$draw->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_press_event);

sub key_press_event {
my $widget=shift ;
my $event=shift;
print "we got called \n";
my $keyval= $event->keyval;
if ($keyval == $Gtk2::Gdk::KeySyms{Up}) {
print "we got an up arrow yay!!! \n";



sub motion_notify_event {
my $widget=shift;
my $event=shift;

 my ($x, $y, $state);

  if ($event->is_hint) {
    (undef, $x, $y, $state) = $event->window->get_pointer;
  } else {
    $x = $event->x;
    $y = $event->y;
    $state = $event->state;

  if ($state >= "button1-mask" ) {
print "value of x and y and button1 are $x and $y \n" ;
  if ($state >= "button2-mask" ) {
print "value of x and y and button2 are $x and $y \n" ;

  return 1; #was TRUE in source (was scribble.pl)


 $window->signal_connect (delete_event => sub {Gtk2->main_quit; 1});



here is output 

Name "Gtk2::Gdk::KeySyms" used only once: possible typo at ./toggle2.pl line 23.
value of x and y and button1 are 85 and 64
value of x and y and button1 are 85 and 65
value of x and y and button1 are 85 and 67
value of x and y and button1 are 85 and 69
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 71
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 72
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 74
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 76
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 77
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 78
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 80
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 82
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 84
value of x and y and button1 are 84 and 8

nothing when i press a key :(.

Thank you,

Mitchell Laks

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