I thought a remark like below might be good for the GtkAdjustment field
accessors, though I couldn't tell how to get it coming out right with
the xsdoc stuff ...

--- GtkAdjustment.xs	26 Feb 2004 11:57:54 +1100	1.9
+++ GtkAdjustment.xs	31 May 2008 10:01:48 +1000	
@@ -64,6 +64,28 @@
+=for apidoc Gtk2::Adjustment::value
+=for signature double = $adjustment->value
+=for signature double = $adjustment->value ($newval)
+=for signature double = $adjustment->lower
+=for signature double = $adjustment->lower ($newval)
+=for signature double = $adjustment->upper
+=for signature double = $adjustment->upper ($newval)
+=for signature double = $adjustment->step_increment
+=for signature double = $adjustment->step_increment ($newval)
+=for signature double = $adjustment->page_increment
+=for signature double = $adjustment->page_increment ($newval)
+=for signature double = $adjustment->page_size
+=for signature double = $adjustment->page_size ($newval)
+Get or set the six fields of a Gtk2::Adjustment.
+The setter functions store $newval and return the old value.  Note
+that they don't emit any signals; it's up to you to emit "notify"
+(because the fields are also properties) and "changed" or
+"value-changed", when you're ready.
 gtk_adjustment_new (class, value, lower, upper, step_increment, page_increment, page_size)
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