On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 12:15 PM, muppet <sc...@asofyet.org> wrote:

> On Jul 11, 2009, at 10:58 AM, Joseph Thames wrote:
>  Hello,
>> I am confused about your use of $data=undef in the Glib documentation, as
>> in:
>  unsigned = $instance->signal_connect ($detailed_signal, $callback,
>> $data=undef)
>>        • $detailed_signal (string)
>>        • $callback (subroutine)
>>        • $data (scalar) arbitrary data to be passed to each invocation of
>> callback
>  Does this simply mean that undef (NULL) is the default value of the $data
>> parameter, or does it mean that passing unique user_data to a callback is
>> not yet supported in this API?
> Yes, it means that if you don't specify that argument, it will be treated
> as though you passed undef.  The syntax is borrowed from C++'s default
> parameters.

I thought so, thanks for confirming that.

>  I am trying to figure out a way to employ a common callback function for
>> an "unlimited" number of menu items (determined at run-time) by passing
>> unique user_data for each signal.
>> This does not seem to be supported by the $builder->connect_signals
>> method, which can only pass the same user_data to a group of unique callback
>> functions.
> Your single callback is free to inspect the widget / object names (as set
> in the xml) and dispatch to the correct place based on that.

Ok, now I understand. I think I was misled by most of the examples, which
all seem to show callbacks statically the same as the Glade-specified
menuitem names.

Thanks again.

> --
> Doing a good job around here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit; you
> get a warm feeling, but no one notices.
>  -- unknown

Joseph 'Bear' Thames
Meta Science Foundation
(505) 977-9024 - Cell Phone
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