Mario Kemper <> writes:
> Image/Base/Gtk2/Gdk/

Hehe.  Not a thing of beauty, but it works :).

> The 'copy_area' part is very slow,


> because it creates a new pixbuf for
> every single pixel and puts it on the final pixbuf. 

An app is allowed to mangle the bytes of the pixbuf data area.  Maybe
some sort of $pixbuf->set_pixels_substr() at the perl level could change
bytes in the future.

> Is there any way to 'pack' all rgba values at once and use this packed
> scalar to create the final pixbuf?

Yes, just concatenate the $data strings.  The pixels of the first row,
then the pixels of the second row, etc.  The "rowstride" thing is
4*$width, being how many bytes there are in each row.

I played a country and western song backwards to check for evil
messages.  It sounded just the same except it was about a fella whose
wife stood by him while he brought in a successful harvest and his dog
recovered from a long illness.
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