On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 7:40 PM, Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeeti...@gmx.de>wrote:

> On 08.07.2012 05:20, Daniel Kasak wrote:
>> One of my Gtk2 projects has some customer CellRenderers. I've done the
>> basic s/Gtk2/Gtk3/ on everything ... and now my treeview code is dying
>> with:
>> GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class My__CellEditableText doesn't
>> implement property 'editing-canceled' from interface 'GtkCellEditable'
>> at
>> /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/**5.12.4/x86_64-linux-thread-**
>> multi/Glib/Object/Subclass.pm
>> line 233.
> That's just a (strong) warning, your program will normally not exit due to
> this.  Also, if your gtk+ >= 2.20, you will also get this warning with Gtk2.

Ah. Fair enough. I should fix the Gtk2 version too then. Yeah now I look
closer, I see it's finally bailing out for another reason :/

 Are there any docs on this ( ie what's required when subclassing a
>> GtkCellEditable ) ... or even better ... what's changed between Gtk2 and
>> Gtk3 more generally?
> Well, what is required to implement an interface actually depends on the
> interface.  There is some general documentation at <
> http://developer.gnome.org/**gobject/stable/howto-**interface.html<http://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/howto-interface.html>>,
> but much of it shows boilerplate code that Glib::Object::Subclass handles
> for you already.  For GtkCellEditable, it seems like nothing is really
> required, the default implementations are sufficient.  If you wanted to
> pass such an editable to code that assumes a fully general editable, maybe
> something would break, I'm not sure.
> To get rid of the property warning, you would use
> use Glib::Object::Subclass
>   Gtk2::TextView::,
>   properties => [
>     Glib::ParamSpec->boolean (
>       'editing-canceled',
>       'Editing canceled',
>       'Editing canceled',
>       Glib::FALSE,
>       [qw/readable writable/]
>     ),
>   ],
>   interfaces => [ Gtk2::CellEditable:: ];
> But that doesn't currently work correctly, at least on my machine, because
> the order that the 'properties' and 'interfaces' args from above reach the
> type registration machinery is currently random.  The warning occurs if
> 'interfaces' is processed before 'properties'.  The attached patch to Glib
> fixes this for me.
> Also, this warning would not occur if Glib handled interface properties
> more smartly: 
> <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/**show_bug.cgi?id=570792<http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=570792>
> >.
> For now, I think it's safe for you to ignore this warning.

Thankyou very much for looking into this and giving a detailed answer,
Torsten. Much appreciated.

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