Here is the file I forgot to attach.

From: Jeff Hallock
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 3:30 PM
Subject: Pango Attributes not being added to list

Greetings all,

I am using Cairo/Pango to create pdf files. I wrote a functioning script on my 
desktop that correctly formats my Pango text. When transferring the script to 
my the server where it will be executed, my text is not properly formatting. It 
displays the default text format (times new roman, no decorations, no 
fore-ground color, default font size, etc).

I have tracked the issue down to the fact that my Pango::Attr_______ objects 
are not being added to the Pango::AttrList when executed on the server. They 
are being added correctly when executing the script on my desktop computer.

I have attached the script which demonstrates that the attributes are in fact 
not being added to the list.

On my desktop, the script produces:
attributes: Pango::AttrFontDesc=SCALAR(0x299ebb4) 

On the server, the script produces:

On a relevant side-note $layout->set_font_description( $font ) works as 
expected on both desktop and server. How this doesn't allow for changing of 
color, underlining, etc.

Anyone have any ideas on what may be going wrong here? I realize the pango 
library is a bit dated, but I can't change it, and it *seems to me* like 
everything I want to use was supported in the version I have. I am not getting 
any error messages.

I've thought of compiling the latest version into another folder - but at a 
cursory googling I see this may not be trivial. Hoping I may be able to get 
some feedback before I head down that road.

Desktop Environment:
Windows 7
Perl 5.16
Pango (library) 1.29.4
Pango (perl binding) 1.223

Red Hat Enterprise Server 5.3
Perl 5.8.8
Pango (library) 1.14.9
Pango (perl binding) 1.223 (also tried with 1.221 )

Thanks for reading or helping if you can!

-          Jeffrey

Attachment: pdf_test.t
Description: pdf_test.t

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