Hi Torsten. Thanks, once again, for the reply.

On Thu, 2013-02-21 at 09:39 +0000, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:

> On 21.02.2013 07:28, Dan Kasak wrote:
> > Can't locate object method "EDITING_STARTED" via package
> > "Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellRendererText" at
> > /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4/Gtk3.pm line 228.
> I don't get this with my Gtk3 port of odot, so… no clue off-hand.  Can 
> you provide a self-contained example program exhibiting this?

Done. By the way ... perhaps an easier way of me getting this working is
to look at your Gtk3 port of odot ;)

> Some more comments on the code:
> > package Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellEditableText;
> You might have to put empty implementations of the virtual functions of 
> Gtk3::CellEditable here:
>    # do nothing
> }
>    # do nothing
> }
>    # do nothing
> }

Also done.

> > use Glib::Object::Subclass
> >    Gtk3::CellRendererText::,
> >    properties => [
> >                      Glib::ParamSpec->object(
> >                                                      "editable-widget",
> >                                                      "Editable widget",
> >                                                      "The editable
> > that's used for cell editing.",
> >
> > Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellEditableText::,
> >                                                      [ qw( readable
> > writable ) ]
> >                                             ),
> Do you need this property?  It was a hack in Odot, and I've now removed 
> it.  If you don't need it, you can also consider moving the creation of 
> the editable from INIT_INSTANCE to START_EDITING.

Hmmmm ... The only way I've seen a custom CellRendererText working is by
implementing a CellEditableText, as per your previous example. Perhaps I
don't need it? I didn't do it on purpose ... just pulled in example code
and tweaked until it worked.

> >              # For some reason, the last item returned by the above call to
> >              # $parent->get_columns isn't a Gtk3::TreeViewColumn, and
> > therefore
> >              # the $parent_set_cursor line fails. Avoid this.
> >              if ( ref $next_col eq 'Gtk3::TreeViewColumn' ) {
> >                  $parent->set_cursor ( $path, $next_col, 1 )
> >                      if $next_col;
> >              }
> That shouldn't happen.  What is the last item if it's not a column?

This is a comment from WAY back in Gtk2 land. When everything is working
again ... I'll re-test.

> > sub GET_SIZE {
> >
> >      my ( $self, $widget, $cell_area ) = @_;
> >
> >      return $self->SUPER::GET_SIZE ( $widget, $cell_area );
> >
> > }
> If you simply chain up, you can also just not provide any implementation 
> at all.  The effect will be the same, but it will be faster as it avoids 
> the roundtrip marshalling of the arguments from C to Perl back to C. 
> (And GET_SIZE will be called a lot.)

Ah. Noted. I think I must have had more functionality in there at one
point, and removed it, not realising I could remove the whole thing.

> >      #$editable->modify_font( Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string(
> > "Arial " . $cell->get( "font" ) ) );
> >      $editable->modify_font( Pango::FontDescription->from_string( "Arial
> > " . $cell->get( "font" ) ) );
> Do you really want to hard-code a particular font here, completely 
> ignoring the user's preference?  If you want to modify the font size, 
> use the Gtk3::CellRendererText's "size" property (which you inherit in 
> your cell renderer).

Yeah :) To be honest ... this was to make things work properly on
Windows. At the time I was writing it ... 1/2 the users were on Windows
2000, and for some reason that escapes me now, this was required. I'm
free of these users now, by the way ;)


Example code that demonstrates a number of issues I'm facing. Now I
don't get the error as before, but I get a segfault instead, when
clicking inside a cell to edit :(



use strict;

use Gtk3 -init;
use Glib qw / TRUE FALSE /;

my $builder = Gtk3::Builder->new();

$builder->add_objects_from_file( "cell_renderer.ui", "window1" );

my $treeview = $builder->get_object( "treeview1" );

my $model = Gtk3::ListStore->new(
      , "Glib::String"

my $renderer_one = Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellRendererText->new;
$renderer_one->set( editable => TRUE );

my $column_one = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
    "Column 1",
    'text'  => 0

$treeview->append_column( $column_one );

my $renderer_two = Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellRendererText->new;
$renderer_two->set( editable => TRUE );

my $column_two = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
    "Column 2",
    'text'  => 1

$treeview->append_column( $column_two );

  , 0, "text 1"
  , 1, "text 2"

$builder->get_object( "treeview1" )->set_model( $model );

$builder->get_object( "window1" )->show;


# Custom CellRendererText

package Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellEditableText;

# Copied and pasted from Odot

use strict;
use warnings;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);
use Glib::Object::Subclass
    interfaces => [ Gtk3::CellEditable:: ]
  , properties => [
                                                    "Editing canceled",
                                                    "Whether editing has
been canceled.",
                                                    [ qw( readable
writable ) ]

    # do nothing

    # do nothing

    # do nothing

sub set_text {
    my ( $editable, $text ) = @_;
    $text = "" unless ( defined( $text ) );
    $editable->get_buffer()->set_text( $text, length( $text ) );

sub get_text {
    my ( $editable ) = @_;
    my $buffer = $editable->get_buffer();
    return $buffer->get_text( $buffer->get_bounds(), TRUE );

sub select_all {
    my ( $editable ) = @_;
    my $buffer = $editable->get_buffer();
    my ( $start, $end ) = $buffer->get_bounds();
    $buffer->move_mark_by_name( insert => $start );
    $buffer->move_mark_by_name( selection_bound => $end );


package Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellRendererText;

# Originally from Odot, with bits and pieces from the
CellRendererSpinButton example,
# and even some of my own stuff worked in :)

use constant x_padding => 2;
use constant y_padding => 3;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Glib qw(TRUE FALSE);

use Glib::Object::Subclass
  properties => [
                                                    "Editable widget",
                                                    "The editable that's
used for cell editing.",

                                                    [ qw( readable
writable ) ]
                                                    "Should I apply
number formatting to the data?",
                                                    [ qw( readable
writable ) ]
                                                    "How many decimal
places should be displayed?",
                                                    [ qw( readable
writable ) ]
                                                    "Should I prepend a
dollar sign to the data?",
                                                    [ qw( readable
writable ) ]

    # do nothing

    my ( $cell, $event, $view, $path, $background_area, $cell_area,
$flags ) = @_;
    if ( $event ) {
        return unless ( $event->button == 1 );
    my $editable = Gtk3::Ex::Datasheet::DBI::CellEditableText->new();
    $editable->set( border_width => $cell->get( "ypad" ) );
    $editable->signal_connect( key_press_event => sub {
        my ( $editable, $event ) = @_;
        if (
            $event->keyval == $Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_Return ||
            $event->keyval == $Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_KP_Enter
            and not $event-> state & qw(control-mask)
            # Grab parent
            my $parent = $editable->get_parent;
            $editable->{ _editing_canceled } = FALSE;
            my ( $path, $focus_column ) = $parent->get_cursor;
            my @cols = $parent->get_columns;
            my $next_col = undef;
            foreach my $i (0..$#cols) {
                if ( $cols[$i] == $focus_column ) {
                    if ( $event->state >= 'shift-mask' ) {
                        # go backwards
                        $next_col = $cols[$i-1] if $i > 0;
                    } else {
                        # Go forwards
                        # First check whether the next column is
                        while ( $i-1 < $#cols ) {
                            if ( ! $cols[$i]->{definition}->{read_only}
) {
                        $next_col = $cols[$i];
            # For some reason, the last item returned by the above call
            # $parent->get_columns isn't a Gtk3::TreeViewColumn, and
            # the $parent_set_cursor line fails. Avoid this.
            if ( ref $next_col eq 'Gtk3::TreeViewColumn' ) {
                $parent->set_cursor ( $path, $next_col, 1 )
                    if $next_col;
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    $editable -> signal_connect( editing_done => sub {
       my ( $editable ) = @_;
       my $canceled = $editable->get( 'editing-canceled' );
       # or $editable -> { _editing_canceled } if you store it directly
       $cell->stop_editing( $canceled );
       unless ( $canceled ) {
           $cell->signal_emit( edited => $path, $editable->get_text() );
    $cell->set( editable_widget => $editable );
    #$editable->modify_font( Pango::FontDescription->from_string( "Arial
" . $cell->get( "font" ) ) );
    $editable->{ _editing_canceled } = FALSE;
    $editable->{ _path } = $path;
    $editable->set( height_request => $cell_area->{height} );
    $editable->set_text( $cell->get( "text" ) );
    $editable -> signal_connect_after(
            'focus-out-event'       => sub {
                                                my ( $event_box, $event
) = @_;

$cell->signal_emit( edited => $editable->{ _path }, $editable->get_text
                                                return $event;
    return $editable;

sub get_layout {
    my ( $cell, $widget ) = @_;
    return $widget->create_pango_layout( "" );





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- interface-requires gtk+ 3.0 -->
  <object class="GtkWindow" id="window1">
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            <property name="expand">True</property>
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            <property name="label" translatable="yes">button</property>
            <property name="visible">True</property>
            <property name="can_focus">True</property>
            <property name="receives_default">True</property>
            <property name="expand">False</property>
            <property name="fill">True</property>
            <property name="position">2</property>

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