Hi Terence,

On 01/05/14 08:36, Terence Ferraro wrote:
Looking at the C docs, it appears that you'll need to cast the returned playsink to a type of GstVideoOverlay. It looks like, then, you'd be able to call: gst_video_overlay_set_window_handle(overlay, windowid);
Thanks for this.

Actually, the Python program gave the answer. You just need to add GstVideo to Introspection like this:

map { Glib::Object::Introspection->setup(basename => $_, version => '1.0', package => 'GStreamer') } qw'Gst GstBase GstVideo';

And then


Is available.

However, for me, that is not quite the end of it, I still need to convert the wxWidgets id to a Gtk Id and I haven't quite resolved that yet.

I'll let you know.


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