Overview of changes in Glib::Object::Introspection (unstable) [2015-10-01]

* Makefile.PL/setup.pl: change library extensions on OS X
* Docs: include an edited version of Gtk2::api
* perli11ndoc: hush a warning when run in text mode without args
* perli11ndoc: display a synopsis for callables
* perli11ndoc: make Control+k focus the search entry
* perli11ndoc: make Right/Left expand/collapse rows in the tree view
* perli11ndoc: make the result text view readonly
* Croak in setup for unhandled modificaion combinations
* perli11ndoc: when filtering, show children of matching elements

Glib::Object::Introspection is available via CPAN, or as a tarball
from Sourceforge:


Or view the source in the Gtk2-Perl git repo:


Glib::Object::Introspection uses the gobject-introspection and libffi
projects to dynamically create Perl bindings for a wide variety of
libraries.  Examples include gtk+, webkit, libsoup and many more.
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