"Daniel Kasak" <d.j.kasak...@gmail.com>:
> I'm trying to set the 'needs-attention' property of a GtkStack's child page.
> When I go:
> use Glib qw( TRUE FALSE );
> my $needs_attention = FALSE;
> if ( $self->{ 'Column' . $i . 'Datasheet' }->count ) {
>     $needs_attention = TRUE;
> }
> my $child = $self->{stack}->get_child_by_name( 'page' . $i );
> $self->{stack}->child_set_property(
>     $child
>   , 'needs-attention'
>   , $needs_attention
> );
>  ... I get:
> Cannot convert arbitrary SV to GValue'

Looks like the Gtk3::Container::child_set* and child_get* methods need 
overrides.  Fow now, child_set_property expects a GValue, so as a workaround, 
try something like this:

  my $gvalue = Glib::Object::Introspection::GValueWrapper->new (
    'Glib::Boolean', $needs_attention);
  $self->{stack}->child_set_property ($child, 'needs-attention', $gvalue);
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