
Here's a patch which adds the missing Gdk Pixbuf Animation functions.

- Matt Arsenault

Attachment: AddGdkPixbufAnimation.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Pixbuf
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.PixbufAnimation

main = do

  window <- windowNew
  vbox <- vBoxNew False 0
  pba <- pixbufAnimationNewFromFile "arst.gif"
  width <- pixbufAnimationGetWidth pba
  height <- pixbufAnimationGetHeight pba
  isStatic <- pixbufAnimationIsStaticImage pba
  putStrLn $ "Width: " ++ show width
  putStrLn $ "Height: " ++ show height
  putStrLn $ "IsStatic: " ++ show isStatic

  imgAnim <- imageNewFromAnimation pba
  boxPackStart vbox imgAnim PackNatural 0

  x1 <- pixbufNewFromFile "xkcd1.png"
  x2 <- pixbufNewFromFile "xkcd2.png"
  x3 <- pixbufNewFromFile "xkcd3.png"

  simple <- pixbufSimpleAnimNew 600 200 1

  mapM_ (pixbufSimpleAnimAddFrame simple) [x1, x2, x3]
  pixbufSimpleAnimSetLoop simple True

  simpleImg <- imageNewFromAnimation simple
  boxPackStart vbox simpleImg PackNatural 0

  imType <- get simpleImg imageStorageType
  putStrLn $ "Simple type: " ++ show imType

  onDestroy window mainQuit

  set window [windowDefaultWidth := 1280,
              containerChild := vbox ]
  widgetShowAll window

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