
thanks for the report.

On Mar 26, 2010, at 6:06, wagne...@seas.upenn.edu wrote:
> pango: I had to comment out line 64 of pango.cabal ("includes:
> hspango.h") to make error about not finding it go away added
> --extra-include-dirs=`pwd` to help find it in the local directory.

Is hspango.h not in the directory where the .cabal file is?

> Also I tried to add a configure flag telling it where to find
> gtk2hsTypeGen even though it was in the haskell platform install
> directory (rather than /usr/local/share). Eg. m...@here
> ~/Desktop/pango-0.10.5$ runhaskell Setup configure --user
> --prefix=/home/foo/tools/haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0/
> --extra-include-dirs=`pwd`
> --with-gtk2hsTypeGen=/home/foo/tools/haskell-platform-2010.1.0.0/ 
> bin/gtk2hsTypeGen
> Still insisted for looking in the standard places for other things,
> and worked around by adding a link in /usr/local/share for
> gtk2hs-buildtools-0.9. This is not really a solution, but its late and
> I wanted to see if things would otherwise work- need a way to not
> touch /usr/local.

Cabal only finds executables when they are in the PATH. This seems a  
bit weird since it should perhaps look into the PATHs that it itself  
installs by default... I don't think I can ensure as a package writer  
that my tools that are installed by Cabal can be found later by Cabal.

Why did you have to add a link in /usr/local/share?

> Had to hack hspango.h to add major, minor and micro defines for  
> 1.14.9.
> gtk: Setup.hs:25:0:
>   warning: #warning Setup.hs is guessing the version of Cabal. If
> compilation of Setup.hs fails use -DCABAL_VERSION_MINOR=x for Cabal
> version 1.x.0 when building (prefixed by --ghc-option= when using the
> 'cabal' command)

Pango only defines it's version in CPP macros starting from a certain  
version onwards. If these macros are not defined, they will be  
defined in the hspango.h file. But that seems to be missing on your  

> Configuring gtk-0.10.5... Warning: 'include-dirs: dist/build'
> directory does not exist. Setup: The pkg-config package gtk+-2.0
> version >=2.12.0 is required but the version installed on the system
> is version 2.10.4

Hm, I would have thought that this is all done by the flag magic of  
Cabal. Maybe it's less clever than I thought.

> Couldn't figure out the right way to pass configure flags that would
> get accepted. I hacked the cabal file instead to make progress.
> Trying to install ThreadScope also fails: Resolving dependencies...
> cabal: cannot configure threadscope-0.1.1. It requires glade -any
> There is no available version of glade that satisfies -any
> glade and glade-devel packages are installed via yum. There doesn't
> seem to be a cabal glade package?

Glade is also part of Gtk2Hs. I haven't wrapped glade into a Cabal file.


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