Axel Simon <> writes:

> Hi Andy,
> (let's move this to the -devel list.)
> On 18.04.2010, at 17:53, Andy Stewart wrote:
>>> I will do these changes over the weekend and will send out another
>>> mail with the exact locations of the repositories. If you feel that
>>> this all is a really bad idea (it certainly is a bad), then please
>>> shout and maybe there is a better alternative.
> So, I'm on my way and your new bindings are already obliterated in 
> code.haskell.darcs. For anyone
> having a copy of the repo, it should be  possible to say 'darcs push' and, by 
> answering 'no' to all
> patches, one should get a list of all patches that need to be obliterated in 
> the local repository.
I see.
I have some new patches for darcs, but I will waiting you finish those before 
move to next step.
I think this is easier for you. :)
>> Axel, below is my plan:
>> (1) Waiting you release cabal repository without my new patches.
>> (2) Convert all sub-directory to cabaling format.
>> (3) Review my new patches, and filter *simple* correct functions and push to 
>> main repository.
>> (4) Build incorrect functions *fix list*, and correct those functions.
>> (5) Update Gtk+ to 2.20 (Spinner widget is very useful...)
>> Yes, some complicated functions is incorrect, but not mean all patches
>> is incorrect, i think most functions is correct, because them generate
>> by ApiGen, i just did diff work.
>> And it's easier to fix my patches than build new patches.
>> If you haven't time to fix incorrect functions, i do.
>> Of course, i will let you check before i push to main repository. I will
>> ask you if i don't know how to binding some complicated fucntions.
> I am still working on it since there has been a patch in October (!) where 
> you add functions to
> Notebook. I can't obliterate that since there are too many other patches 
> depending on it. Thus, I'm
> now  working on checking these functions.
Ok, thanks.

>> BTW, for my *large* patches problem, you can use some TODO tool track
>> all details in those large patches.
>> I use Emacs Org-Mode track those details (
>> Org-Mode make your life easier, you can try to use it.
> Yes, you first patches were very large which makes it quite difficult to 
> start (since you have to
> fix so much at once). I've re-recorded  some of the later patches.
Every new patches is corresponding to sub-directory under 
So patch is very large if have many modules in some sub-directory.

I use Org-Mode track every detail of patches that which functions is
finishe or not.

>> And *Index of new symbols* in Gtk+ Reference Manual will help us judge
>> which functions is new.
> My biggest worry is that you have changed the names of some existing 
> functions. I know that I argued
> that signal names that clash between different modules should be prefixed, 
> but renaming should only
> be done  to signals that are newly bound or that have already clashed before. 
>  In this way no user
> programs can be broken. However, you changed the  destroy signal of Object to 
> objectDestroy which
> will definitely break  programs. This is one example. The problem is that it 
> is very hard to  tell
> what other functions have been renamed that way without  meticulously looking 
> at each line of a
> patch.
Sorry, i won't do that anymore. :(

> Another problem I've seen is that you've replaced (I think) the Attributes in 
> Pango to the code
> generated by apiGen. The Attributes in  Pango were carefully hand-written and 
> purposely made more
> friendly to  a Haskell programmer. I've also seen similar things happening in 
> GC  (graphics
> contexts). apiGen is only there to help, it's not right in  all cases.
I see.

>> I have some spare time on next month.
>> But i don't know what's your status exactly, then i can adjust my time on 
>> gtk2hs.
>> Can you finish all cabal job in this month?
> Yes, I think I can finish the cabalized version of glib, cairo, pango and gtk 
> (possibly gio since
> that belongs to the core packages as  well). I would like to move all other 
> bindings to their own
> repositories (except for the Gtk specific demos).
Yes, gio should be core packages, because upstream Gtk+ team use gio in
many new functions. 

Please give me a template that how to convert package to cabalized version,
i can help you convert other bindings, then we can release next version of
gtk2hs quickly.

> I'm sure we can work it out. Since your early patches are very big, I suggest 
> you try to apply my
> small re-recorded patches that correspond  to your last patches. Anything 
> with newForeignPtr_ is
> bound to be  wrong, so feel free to ask how to do the memory management in 
> cases  where it's not
> clear.
For current situation, a stable cabalized version is most important, i
have seen many many people in IRC said them can't install gtk2hs.

After we release cablized version, i will check all my new patches, and
build two lists:
*simple functions list* and *complicated functions list*

For *simple functions*, i will re-record them to small patches, and send
patch to here let you check, if okay, we push to main repository.

After we push all *simple functions* to main repository, then we
correct *complicated funtions* slowly.

After we finish above job, i will push my new patches (update Gtk+ 2.20)
to here, have some new widgets are very useful (such as GtkSpinner).

I hope we can finish above job in first week of May, if you have't time
do this, i do, i will ask you question how to do the memory management.

In the future, we can perfect ApiGen or build new back-end that base on 
"gobject introspection".

Thank you very much for your hard work. :)

  -- Andy

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