Axel Simon <> writes:

> On 03.05.2010, at 12:49, Andy Stewart wrote:
>> Hi Hamish,
>> Hamish Mackenzie <> writes:
>>> Thanks for the quick response.  I think this needs a s/
>>> TextBufferClass/TextViewClass/
>> I have seen you patch, but wait, perhaps this is wrong.
>> First when Jürgen report this problem, i was consider Axel is remove
>> those signals un-designed, but i found Axel's notes in TextView.chs
>> ------------------------------> notes start <------------------------------
>> -- All on... and after... signales had incorrect names (underscore instead 
>> of hypens). Thus
>> -- they could not have been used in applications and removing them can't 
>> break anything.
>> -- Thus, I've removed them. Also, all key-binding singals are now removed as 
>> there is
>> -- no way to add additional key bindings programatically in a type-
>> safe way, let alone
>> -- use these signals.
>> ------------------------------> notes end   <------------------------------
>> Axel, can you check those signals again? Perhaps some signals should not 
>> remove.
> Ok, by all means, let's all all signals then. But only the new versions, not 
> the on... and
> after... versions.
> With 'key-binding' signals, I mean signals that are emitted in response to 
> the user pressing a
> key. These signals are usually caught  by the widget itself to perform the 
> appropriate action. We
> had  questions on the mailing list when people tried to connect to these  
> signals because they
> wanted to react to the widget performing an action. However, a key press and 
> a widget action is not
> always the  same. Thus, there is potential for confusion. If a signal, 
> however,  has any use to the
> end user, then we need to add it.
> Andy, would you be so kind to apply the patch sent by Hamish that fixes the 
> contexts. Could you then
> turn the _ to - and rename the  setScrollAdjustments to 
> setTextViewScrollAdjustments? That would be
> very kind!
I got it.
Apply, please check.

Hamish, please report any problem to here, we will fix it as quick as we can.
Thanks for your report!


  -- Andy

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