3 patches for repository 

Thu Jul  1 11:08:36 CST 2010  Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>
  * Add mainDoEvent.

Fri Jul  2 22:30:22 CST 2010  Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>
  * Add widgetEvent.

Fri Jul  2 23:12:08 CST 2010  Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>
  * Add propagateEvent
New patches:

[Add mainDoEvent.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100701030836
 Ignore-this: 37cd08eb71f1eb3e77f09f04a02c5e3
] {
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 52
+  mainDoEvent,
   -- * Grab widgets
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 91
   priorityHighIdle, priorityDefault, priorityHigh, timeoutRemove, idleRemove,
   inputRemove, IOCondition(..), HandlerId )
 import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Object	(makeNewObject)
+import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM (EventM)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
 {#import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Types#}
 {#context lib="gtk" prefix ="gtk"#}
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 254
 mainIterationDo blocking = 
   liftM toBool $ {#call main_iteration_do#} (fromBool blocking)
+-- | Processes a single GDK event. This is public only to allow filtering of events between GDK and
+-- GTK+. You will not usually need to call this function directly.
+-- While you should not call this function directly, you might want to know how exactly events are
+-- handled. So here is what this function does with the event:
+--  1. Compress enter/leave notify events. If the event passed build an enter/leave pair together with
+--     the next event (peeked from GDK) both events are thrown away. This is to avoid a backlog of
+--     (de-)highlighting widgets crossed by the pointer.
+--  2. Find the widget which got the event. If the widget can't be determined the event is thrown away
+--     unless it belongs to a INCR transaction. In that case it is passed to
+--     'selectionIncrEvent'.
+--  3. Then the event is passed on a stack so you can query the currently handled event with
+--  'getCurrentEvent'.
+--  4. The event is sent to a widget. If a grab is active all events for widgets that are not in the
+--     contained in the grab widget are sent to the latter with a few exceptions:
+--       * Deletion and destruction events are still sent to the event widget for obvious reasons.
+--       * Events which directly relate to the visual representation of the event widget.
+--       * Leave events are delivered to the event widget if there was an enter event delivered to it
+--         before without the paired leave event.
+--       * Drag events are not redirected because it is unclear what the semantics of that would be.
+--     Another point of interest might be that all key events are first passed through the key snooper
+--     functions if there are any. Read the description of 'keySnooperInstall' if you need this
+--     feature.
+--  5. After finishing the delivery the event is popped from the event stack.
+mainDoEvent :: EventM t ()
+mainDoEvent = do
+  ptr <- ask
+  liftIO $ {#call main_do_event #} (castPtr ptr)
 -- | add a grab widget
 grabAdd :: WidgetClass wd => wd -> IO ()
[Add widgetEvent.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100702143022
 Ignore-this: 57d807386fa34f6323c285913c4e1cf0
] {
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Widget.chs 205
+  widgetEvent,
 -- * Attributes
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Widget.chs 361
 import Control.Monad	(liftM, unless)
 import Data.Maybe	(fromMaybe)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
 import Data.Bits ((.&.), complement)
 import System.Glib.FFI
 import System.Glib.Flags		(fromFlags, toFlags)
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/Abstract/Widget.chs 2093
      peek allocationPtr
+-- | Rarely-used function. This function is used to emit the event signals on a widget (those signals
+-- should never be emitted without using this function to do so). If you want to synthesize an event
+-- though, don't use this function; instead, use 'mainDoEvent' so the event will behave as if it
+-- were in the event queue. Don't synthesize expose events; instead, use 'windowInvalidateRect'
+-- to invalidate a region of the window.
+widgetEvent :: WidgetClass self => self -> EventM t Bool
+widgetEvent widget = do
+  ptr <- ask
+  liftIO $ liftM toBool $ {#call widget_event #} (toWidget widget) (castPtr ptr)
 -- Attributes
[Add propagateEvent
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100702151208
 Ignore-this: f5fea5ee641d464d1a2b9e73f3a25f8
] {
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 53
+  propagateEvent,
   -- * Grab widgets
hunk ./gtk/Graphics/UI/Gtk/General/General.chs 294
   ptr <- ask
   liftIO $ {#call main_do_event #} (castPtr ptr)
+-- | Sends an event to a widget, propagating the event to parent widgets if the event remains
+-- unhandled. Events received by GTK+ from GDK normally begin in 'mainDoEvent'. Depending on the
+-- type of event, existence of modal dialogs, grabs, etc., the event may be propagated; if so, this
+-- function is used. 'propagateEvent' on each widget it decides to send
+-- the event to. So 'widgetEvent' is the lowest-level function; it simply emits the "event" and
+-- possibly an event-specific signal on a widget. 'propagateEvent' is a bit higher-level, and
+-- 'mainDoEvent' is the highest level.
+-- All that said, you most likely don't want to use any of these functions; synthesizing events is
+-- rarely needed. Consider asking on the mailing list for better ways to achieve your goals. For
+-- example, use 'windowInvalidateRect' instead of making up expose
+-- events.
+propagateEvent :: WidgetClass wd => wd -> EventM t ()
+propagateEvent widget = do
+  ptr <- ask
+  liftIO $ {#call propagate_event #} (toWidget widget) (castPtr ptr)
 -- | add a grab widget
 grabAdd :: WidgetClass wd => wd -> IO ()


[Revert previous patch, because insert Entire string in error will cause speak leak sometimes.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100629223233
 Ignore-this: 92751d107bce7aabe5f903d4baedcfaa
[Add string info in fromUTF for easier to debug.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100629085831
 Ignore-this: 7e11a77e7524f36a53c78c6ebf7a6e3b
[Update Embedded demos.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628072541
 Ignore-this: 1792a53558175309e474755b2fd170ab
[Add function drawableGetID.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628071306
 Ignore-this: 66f80a911f63867209160d53e51c8498
[Fix freeHaskellFunPtr problem in Clipboard.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100627113550
 Ignore-this: efa86a719456d15b01eaaed62393f78f
[Apply Oleg's patch to fix clipboardRequestTargets segfault.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100627103336
 Ignore-this: 5602ff1727f889cdccc5bc2cb0f7353c
[Add MPlayer client demo.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100617090640
 Ignore-this: 5a8ab681c148ca07f27f768f9f62b1b7
[Move hierarchy.list to gtk package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604131309
 Ignore-this: d3f52ea66e784a2ecd66d764571f58a9
[Move hierarchy.list to gio package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604130442
 Ignore-this: 7539a9c035e4f25ac54d619c92021f49
[Move hierarchy.list to pango package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604130210
 Ignore-this: b2ebce6749cf1083f3810e6175ceb1a2
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604095408
 Ignore-this: 832b7cff47d7200ee89ee797981febee
[Create Gtk specific versions of functions that add something to the main loop. These specific functions acquire the Gtk lock before executing the action which the documentation promised but...
[Improve signal `queryTooltip`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100602070555
 Ignore-this: 4b625d69ebb779f22ec57ae0cc5223aa
[Add MenuToolButton support functions for Tooltip.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601165857
 Ignore-this: 9e153056f052f09f3bf7bd5569ce347c
[Fix `widgetTooltipMarkup` and docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601144701
 Ignore-this: 3fc33fd561f18f221d8b7b0215c71826
[Fix function `tooltipSetMarkup`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601143948
 Ignore-this: b4af7ecca1bc74b22e20727f33729a8b
[Add Widget support functions for Tooltip.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601140304
 Ignore-this: 6b10098119f7a416d763c834bd892cae
[Add Tooltip.chs (The new module to replace Tooltips.chs)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601131828
 Ignore-this: ca64d1d45d3c526494a41fb537d16c6c
[Clean bootstrap.sh
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601122113
 Ignore-this: f59b5f9bf21945c39258a39432621a03
[Note that Cabal 1.8 is required for ghci support under Windows.
 Ignore-this: 1c5fc3bb7ad83f5d1094e0083ddd9913
[Do not query g_object_get_type as it only exists in newer Gtk+ versions.
 Ignore-this: 70d62f66a2eb159c7fd3e23079c5debf
[Remove gnomevfs sourceview mozembed since those packages has deprecated.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527124728
 Ignore-this: a1dfda3669b7417a7b09c3b4acfaa2d
 Below are backup repositories for those deprecated packages:
  * gnomevfs		: http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/gnomevfs/  
  * sourceview	: http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/sourceview/
  * mozembed		: http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/mozembed/
[Fix IconTheme.chs docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527102140
 Ignore-this: 2f2b7ab508c688cc73f1b59012966d13
[Fix Gtk2HsSetup.hs bug.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527095530
 Ignore-this: 1b65945da174e05d0ad2a1f01e2ee651
[Add gnomevfs demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527061234
 Ignore-this: 40c6dd74b460d7546937212dacf1f9e1
[Add gtk demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527061041
 Ignore-this: 876a827c6f1bac1a8b26a99cd68c6005
[Add cairo demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527051924
 Ignore-this: b1a70c2a24812fb84c899e4e8ce3ca6c
[Add pango demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527051205
 Ignore-this: af1ff611ab459ee2b6c5bc09a3f63c11
[Fix the license of gnomevfs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527035350
 Ignore-this: 9ac7c768af168d6f0c7af8c8790e8643
[Fix the license of gio.
 Ignore-this: 42fe27de2030e0395227f889ba5345d8
[Fix Trac #1164. toGSList was reversing lists.
 Ignore-this: c466eadbc5ae61ba71721fe15b44735a
[Remove gconf glade gstreamer gtkglext gtksourceview2 soegtk svgcairo vte webkit since these all now have their own repos.
[Documentation fix for EventM.
 Ignore-this: 25c3bf3513ec6467cbd0febe397ab53e
[Put upper bounds on base version.
 Ignore-this: f92b2d9970c436c9fcbcf141fc988e8
[Make documentation parsable.
 Ignore-this: 60f44b8251a9f3e933c874f72d8e8801
[Make the version test in pango less complex as Cabal 1.6 doesn't parse it otherwise.
 Ignore-this: f3446237cf66abf49e81bd4ba8ef9744
[Fix an incorrect pattern in windowSetIcon.
 Ignore-this: eb596c778897b4ae4fd7f9a8dde59726
[Get rid of stock images under ./docs/reference/images
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524235315
 Ignore-this: 1094aaf32c73ba189937e1beee24ee49
[Redirect image link to library.gnome.org and update image items to GTK+ 2.20
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524233947
 Ignore-this: f33362d57605d16365e4dfac59c01122
[Add an upper version to the requirement on base.
[Be more specific as to the prerequisites of packages.
[Fix docu.
[Make soegtk compile by fixing dependency on old-time and by not relying on Gtk 2.18.
[don't mention tools in the docs for unregistering.
[TAG 0.11.0
[Bump version numbers.
[Add note that the user needs to install build tools first.
 I think this is acutally needed. We cannot make packages depend on gtk2hs-buildtools since this package does not install any library of this name.
[Add (revert, actually) some Mac OS-specific configuration settings.
[Update INSTALL document and insert comment as to why we have a special case for windows in hsgthread.c.
[Improved Win32 critical section init and only lock if threading is initialized.
Hamish Mackenzie <hamish.k.macken...@googlemail.com>**20100524011511
 Ignore-this: 880ca168a60671ba8230faeb373022be
[Move rest demos to ./gtk/demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524034349
 Ignore-this: 7b9f4784b6d63d1283c7a8a5f5d0eb1b
[Move mozembed demo to ./mozembed/demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524033904
 Ignore-this: be945149615e5c04c0e7557967afd213
[Move sourceview demo to ./gtksourceview2/demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524033155
 Ignore-this: 3239746ab1c6293af3c4af235511e631
[Make sourceview demo compilable again.
Matthias Reisner <matthias.reis...@googlemail.com>**20100523223358
 Ignore-this: 2d6d3ec8f1af2370d53149f6d1f7e718
[Remove Windows specific mutex operations.
 Ignore-this: d49fe17f4a03bb66cb2880cebb3be71d
[Add mutex functions to Gtk and remove the funky threaded intialisation function.
 Ignore-this: 6685e05dc9081551762a792194517370
[Make -xc default for all C Preprocessors on all platforms.
[Remove excess after #endif.
[Fix the way c2hs handles file paths.
[Add contributors to AUTHORS.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100522154606
 Ignore-this: a6510cff5dd6f647c68ddf9de367dc9e
[Delete gtk2hs.spec.in
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100522153031
 Ignore-this: 4a71e7ec43cd8709ad196ffe8269f29f
[remove old gtk2hs.spec.in file
Jens Petersen <peter...@haskell.org>**20100522130511
 Ignore-this: d32b91a7623554c5adcceb61c7f098c0
 This was the original spec file used to generate gtk2hs rpms -
 it was inherited by Fedora and maybe other rpm distros.
 Removing since it has been maintained for a long time.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100522150920
 Ignore-this: 39c7bee3ab02926c402703a7e807ded1
[update ghc version info in INSTALL
Jens Petersen <peter...@haskell.org>**20100522143114
 Ignore-this: 12355060648bf7ec2fc24972ff058cfd
[update INSTALL
Jens Petersen <peter...@haskell.org>**20100522142512
 Ignore-this: 91efe1d455ef4068f3381cf7619f10fa
[Fix gio flag in IconTheme.chs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100521080328
 Ignore-this: aee6873a5a061822123217d07a8537b6
[Add pixbufRenderThresholdAlpha
 Ignore-this: f7c25ecfc1aba9f8437d7b49bda903be
[Ensure that package can be built with Cabal 1.6.
[Adapt Hamish's Windows patch to support the renaming of Setup.hs to Gtk2HsSetup.hs which broke for pango.
 Ignore-this: 242a375c16d531d6c08268fac074c154
[Set extraGHCiLibraries on windows using full DLL names
Hamish Mackenzie <hamish.k.macken...@googlemail.com>**20100510020843
 Ignore-this: 7fee9866cac034c3dcd87c470fe81cf3
[Use win32 critical section in hsgthread.c finalizer code
Hamish Mackenzie <hamish.k.macken...@googlemail.com>**20100510020530
 Ignore-this: 6bfaec66f7c3453aaa13d96072ff013f
[Add `tools` in bootstrap.sh.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100520060758
 Ignore-this: 3d49a4b3b524a84b6702efbed0acae39
[Fix treeView.chs docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100516112228
 Ignore-this: ada6ac9d84280032af04f7d05b737736
[Add new coordinate functions to get "header height" of treeView. (Deprecated `treeViewWidgetToTreeCoords` and `treeViewTreeToWidgetCoords`)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100516105021
 Ignore-this: 22a088c548bdd3e09dcdf3624356893d
[Move gstreamer demo to gstreamer/demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515174941
 Ignore-this: edaafa1e0fa565a8ade88e8db82ab292
[Delete unused files.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515174644
 Ignore-this: a3c69a2051d009b8d1c28da7a8c2f408
[Make `gnomevfs` generate individual signals
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515170302
 Ignore-this: f443a25445bcaf282acc6e381272c7c5
[Remove unused signals from gtk/marshal.list.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515163858
 Ignore-this: 3450dd0b141afd2cb8861287bc336ca3
[Make `webkit` generate individual signals.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515163717
 Ignore-this: cddff1a5bf1671f47f4d3ffd69c3ae3d
[Make `vte` generate individual signals
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515163557
 Ignore-this: ca2a5ee118474793b135ffa223b8f39d
[Make `gtksourceview2` generate individual signals.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515163255
 Ignore-this: 341bf4e0dcc796bda0541d192921ddcd
[Remove Gtk.Signals from GtkInternals.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515163032
 Ignore-this: c91e85a23ec5a4303fd1b59e19daf7b1
[Add gstreamer to bootstrap.sh
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515150630
 Ignore-this: 1a576a2c792ea139fd96b43b501f2bf7
[Forgot to add the hierarchy.list file.
 Ignore-this: 6eb2f2f318d443b5a120cb9597007e9
[Add the forgotten Nothing case to readFile.
 Ignore-this: b4eac2af3784ef2691b3fb6a0cb8a2a2
[Fix Andy's compilation problem.
 Ignore-this: dd397744339db5ead222592511a744ac
[Fix documentation and the fileRead function.
 Ignore-this: c53fee6929a5f2554ad366dbdc48c589
[Ensure that System.FFI never exports withObject.
 Ignore-this: dba293b62fd0149120aaa410361dc899
[Make gstreamer compile.
 Ignore-this: b94194b4ae913eeeb42fb754c92ad666
[Adjust bootstrap.sh, let `gio` in the `gtk` front.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100515084129
 Ignore-this: c652a2496f07e1382e9243dba1f582f9
[Remove `Graphics.UI.Gtk.Signals.chs.template` and unnecessary signals from marshal.list.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100514135032
 Ignore-this: 94e7d2c8d724140655f0b3a2ff3edc75
[Make gconf just depend on glib
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100514071617
 Ignore-this: 93b98960df959a118b0893fa303f0f74
[Ooops, `marshal.list` has add in gio.cabal.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100514070416
 Ignore-this: c3a44ba07aab34c0cf5b81bd0f8f1ff9
[Fix gio compile error.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100514040903
 Ignore-this: 69334e6c7962522f9391f606844d029b
[Add initial cabal file.
 Ignore-this: d146adaa73fb4dad25ea3a851502ab8c
[Remove stale flags from pango.cabal.
 Ignore-this: 2c99f38f64c4cdf13e40d68f98ac26e7
[Make gio independent of gtk.
 Ignore-this: 15af184a52f200fcda7814d08f6506e0
[Fix the callback generator to only use a local marshal list.
 Ignore-this: 3616c98e41ab67661a1bfbb726e0332d
[Add a flag that allows gtk to conditionally depend on gio.
 Ignore-this: 6676885bc9575e289a2617a70066abb8
[Make the marshal file local to gtk.
 Ignore-this: 75c6bca5fe49d5369f3f879063bf2db5
 Some of the entries in the file still need to be removed and put into
 their own files in the respective packages.
[Fix IconTheme to only compile if gio is present.
 Ignore-this: db304c9b63d7fcd37ea448c42901ddb4
[Update all Gtk2HsSetup.hs files to allow several type hierarchies.
 Ignore-this: 3ee461409f81422b38455c7064ac1e59
[Fix the modified Setup.hs of pango.
 Ignore-this: 5533320b5f714f7ea89116030c4735e7
[Fix the bug of `iconInfoGetEmbeddedRect`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100511141420
 Ignore-this: 13d3a8b05b2ef17ee459683cf0e0468b
[Add `GAppLaunchContext` to support gio.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100510102926
 Ignore-this: f69504463084566fa86b37030c60160f
[Remove glib.package.conf.in
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100510071503
 Ignore-this: 5897082a92012d0bbca9627550fbb987
[Fix crash bug of treeViewColumnGetWidget.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100508130657
 Ignore-this: bf8dc177526ddc4a3af03ee2c5b2013d
 When you first call treeViewColumnGetWidget will got error "main: user error (makeNewObject: object is NULL)"
 Details see : http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkTreeViewColumn.html#gtk-tree-view-column-get-widget
[Add module `IconTheme` to support GIO (get icon pixbuf for files).
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100508103908
 Ignore-this: f038b0bb54a5b9b01b7b364542d771be
[Include the setup files in the distribution.
 Ignore-this: d56ac4eb24866e5d917386b2df6ec28e
[Make the bootstrap file ignore a package if it can't be built.
 Ignore-this: d92362cd5d0ee8820c127a0367e4d498
[Fix documenation to Editable.
 Ignore-this: d9494bc1fb323d50164f219423a5e17
[Fix textView signals (rename `setScrollAdjustments` to `setTextViewScrollAdjustments`) and fix signal docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100503140719
 Ignore-this: 3fcfbfe8659c1f01d806990a6a59e0dc
[Fix TextView signals.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100502110206
 Ignore-this: 3cc1d9c7e1452e577264f2a287852a22
[Add bootstrap.sh.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501220434
 Ignore-this: bdcf47e2a0b99436967f6338c8f00141
[Fix cairo demo.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501214046
 Ignore-this: bb37935be21a3414d6540d39b74d57c6
[Fix scaling demo and move to `gtk2hs/glade/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501211752
 Ignore-this: 26b0499662347edb6067e8f8397a406c
[Move profileviewer demo to `gtk2hs/glade/demo.`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501211335
 Ignore-this: 80f20961b905bca023b4813e7b99f2db
[Fix noughty demo and move to `gtk2hs/glade/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501211126
 Ignore-this: 598b67397619be71313289a86c3f1dc6
[Move calc demo to `gtk2hs/glade/demo` and adjust glade demo.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501210542
 Ignore-this: 152abe8888a55ec4a2c106292a58b6cf
[Fix carsim demo.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501210132
 Ignore-this: 1502949718304229aa7d6d82084eb442
[Remove warning for GtkInternal.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501205623
 Ignore-this: b1b60e69e87208431f7f287ae8174f26
[Axel, Gtk2HsSetup.hs can't works with pango, so i rollback your patche to make pango can compile pass. Please push new patches when you fix it.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501180134
 Ignore-this: db2796b94f08260401cff17b638ef6a4
[Move cairo demo to `gtk2hs/cairo/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501174106
 Ignore-this: 59379042dbc12ed64d7c6fa67da613a6
[Move pango demo to `gtk2hs/pango/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501173621
 Ignore-this: f93de2952148b90d739bf4e06f31fcaa
[Move svg demo to `gtk2hs/svgcairo/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501173518
 Ignore-this: da7867efa4d2c2c21fedd7a2335048e7
[Move soe demo to `gtk2hs/soegtk/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501173350
 Ignore-this: f861db155bcb0b0f266ccbcac2770ef5
[Move opengl demo to `gtk/gtkglext/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501173231
 Ignore-this: 5c11b627899153dfec86424037ad147e
[Move gnomevfs demo to `gtk2hs/gnomevfs/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501173035
 Ignore-this: 3c4019cd021cd9349e7a794f0c73bea6
[Move glade demo to `gtk2hs/glade/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501171808
 Ignore-this: c3cc3e5a3fb50e9c97ea4d141e993151
[Move gconf demo to `gtk2hs/gconf/demo`.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501171629
 Ignore-this: b4011619e7e1096307d5fb9bf7212982
[Remove vte and webkit demo from main repo (those demos have exist in `gtk2hs/vte/demo` and `gtk2hs/webkit/demo`)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501171314
 Ignore-this: 1aa0f5ed4fc91b00ded2affad59061eb
[Fix compile error of soegtk.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501162122
 Ignore-this: f6661f25cb9a067a24d7db7242dcab3a
[Fix compile error of webkit.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501162011
 Ignore-this: 2f6fe99208c5e17d4fd906b2f70b18b9
[Fix compile error of vte.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501161926
 Ignore-this: b837e1f746a7f8779ec49758f9741c4c
[Fix compile error of gtksourceview2.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501161826
 Ignore-this: d7f05977a77f1330d14915e5895b526c
[Fix compile error of gnomevfs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501161739
 Ignore-this: 8300370414f8840fcb7897e199025d75
[Fix compile error of gio.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501161612
 Ignore-this: 30af23f768bf3823c55db6db33fae8e9
[Fix compile error of gconf.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100501161504
 Ignore-this: 67c9dc2b5c337476bf3fb5ef5aa3ceb4
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: b4c2102781b831bd3b787bde35ffcda6
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: cdc12e9af9b22e54ef4ac288dc8b9000
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: 58710ee1f00cd1242057f1cbdcee94ff
[Make SOE a really simple package, since it is.
 Ignore-this: f35f2729f101b34f3e9d47b60ead6171
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: 9e17194a9abf7cd0b31061249694edda
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: 90c6e9badb9b88a25c58a07e3dec6d11
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: 6becb507b1606e949d0d13720d361850
[Replace Setup.hs by the default setup files.
 Ignore-this: 43ea6510fb65dfbb2e76130cb274a364
[Install the standard setup files in gio.
 Ignore-this: a21f5c4e5e0aecc52c967a31e90c2d37
[Fix the build infrastructure of gconf.
 Ignore-this: c0f1e1e066e9a7f9f733a4b768d9196d
[Expose module `System.Gnome.VFS` in gnomevfs.cabal
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428122845
 Ignore-this: 70069732773614e4323d696cb887a2d1
[gnomevfs Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100530
 Ignore-this: 5bbab11f5a0e5c0c790fd917659722c7
[webkit Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428101329
 Ignore-this: 3b4d27f26dcfb80aec42923906938106
[vte Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428101229
 Ignore-this: 2618acc76f647f454e6e1bf5f588e858
[svgcairo Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100832
 Ignore-this: 5c55b0a69f3e7938712e3deb51091cac
[soegtk Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100758
 Ignore-this: ad606092c1d9afbef2a70b8e9b62cc38
[gtksource2 Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100657
 Ignore-this: d9c8bd42bc893928d04b132a1a6c29ae
[gtkglext Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100617
 Ignore-this: 485ca74cc042b8751415c7e960650a23
[gconf Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100216
 Ignore-this: 26854e53627320a7ef3a65f6823fcb60
[GIO Cabal package (Fix doc, add new functions: `fileHasParent` and `fileQueryFileType`)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428095858
 Ignore-this: 3b53dc9cd495f92e9a7652e14d1cb05b
[glade Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428100433
 Ignore-this: c152a8f7de7a4622d2f8f5e6aa30b835
[Always build Plug and Socket, even on Windows.
 Ignore-this: 3d318997a29c769d415238ad7bed881b
[Seperate the standard setup functionality from that necessary for specific packages.
 Ignore-this: 326634d72596f48f1e76ffd688c0f79f
[Let the default Signal template import GtkInternals.
 Ignore-this: 2f2e8944aa1cc5a5831cabd8c86f119c
[Pick the right function to load a Pixbuf on Windows.
 Ignore-this: 3e114b00529c96bedea2cb1214dd27b2
[Add `Emblem` and `EmblemedIcon` in hierarchy.list to support gio.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100430180426
 Ignore-this: 9bb1953f8b0a82e895c7f723acf78def
[Add new functions `readUTFStringArray0` for gio binding.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100430071318
 Ignore-this: d8d756fca5e216862594e9957a178875
[Add callback `NONE:OBJECT,OBJECT,ENUM` for gio.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100430035445
 Ignore-this: e594257b6d014dd1c92132e7c6ef399c
[Add callback `NONE:STRING,STRING,STRING,ENUM` to support gio.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100429201243
 Ignore-this: 9b38ae786b5b2866764a276ec5e40b00
[Add function `widgetGetAllocation` and fix version tag.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428151304
 Ignore-this: 74e831fd17d3f1bbd2761e2e778e4e4e
[re-export `toNativeWindowId` and `fromNativeWindowId` to fix Embedded demos.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428151139
 Ignore-this: 6e49f7548a461e1da10c5e2a1ff385e6
[Fix cycle import problem, and expose `Threading` modules for use in Signals.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428145100
 Ignore-this: 5c350d915116b87c728b69942b461bd1
 * Signal.chs.template : restore to "import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Threading".
 * GtkInternals.chs    : remove Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Threading, otherwise cycle import when compile gtk.
 * Threading.hs        : Add nots that don't use this module in application.
 * gtk.cabal           : expose Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Threading
[Adjust GtkInternal.chs and Signal.chs.template to support non-core packages.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100428094453
 Ignore-this: bf2cfe48234ea434dbb108e780dad346
 Becuase Signal.chs in non-core packages need import `Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.Threading`, 
 so i add it in GtkInternal and change Signa.chs template.
[Add new callback for gconf.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100425025913
 Ignore-this: dd81d8a5dff016895855bd947114b893
[Call c2hs with the bare filename as its output.
 Ignore-this: c9be4c390228577708614efa892a24b7
[Explicitly link in gthread which is required to find g_thread_init.
 Ignore-this: 11729966fdc935ccc3605dc51102d1f4
[Move modules back to the not-exposed section and add them to the Internals module instead.
 Ignore-this: 255f909810a01cc250790b1423643551
[Ensure all end-user types names are exposed through Gtk.hs and make low-level type names available through a new module.
 Ignore-this: c8f2000df7eb6ceb0f67bfebd3286d9c
[Move the pango C lib version stuff into the Setup.hs
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100422001240
 Ignore-this: 795b62cbd00a5a29c6e2373174f0f757
 Rather than using flags in the .cabal file.
 Generate a .h file with the pango version number and
 include that in the local hspango.h.
[Hack in Setup.hs for include dirs, avoiding worse hack in .cabal files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100422000751
 Ignore-this: 1017665f67f060f7ad1a1dd663a9386d
 Ought to be fixed in Cabal lib
[Minor tweaks to Setup.hs scripts
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421233554
 Ignore-this: 5de7745bd7fc5d49d470f5a38ac8e5a9
[Add build-tools dependencies to .cabal files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421233016
 Ignore-this: 2ca87ca412766d96c688de06e93a29dd
[Change the way the type tags are handled in the .cabal and Setup.hs files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421211616
 Ignore-this: bcbc507af8fb3a6103e505bc6361bd38
 In particular it eliminates the need for users to specify -fgtk_x_y flags.
[Add upper bounds on deps within gtk2hs packages
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421154805
 Ignore-this: ddc073c270f471583edfcd7f5063dc83
 This is only approximate, they may need to be tighter still.
[Add upper bound on base version in .cabal files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421154742
 Ignore-this: 940b0938c956685b9996aa01b5a4e362
[Adjust hackage category of build tools
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421152105
 Ignore-this: b0b2a6179fcff848c756d6e6d7ee4b5d
[Add source repository info to package .cabal files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421151640
 Ignore-this: 9e55a05581df93c5642547ab964fc9be
[Adjust URLs in .cabal files
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421151036
 Ignore-this: 14fdbc10e96f0c07e85fcb37a8b92813
 Use full http:// url for the homepage. Use the root of the gtk2hs trac
 for bug reports because that has the info on how report a bug.
 Remove the package-url field because it is deprecated and useless.
[Fix license name/version in .cabal files for glib, pango, gtk and tools
Duncan Coutts <dun...@haskell.org>**20100421150549
 Ignore-this: 9e316a7f7ac55dbf2ff8d6f87d8dcdfd
 glib, pango and gtk are LGPL not GPL.
 Cabal now allows us to specify the license version, so specify that too.
[Fix hierarchy.list typo and make Multiline.Types expose to support Sourceview2 Cabal package
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100422075609
 Ignore-this: a81b85782f8480c633ebcd882bd8a6ba
[Fix gtk.cabal, make some modules expose to support WebKit Cabal package.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100422070445
 Ignore-this: 4e1d125b2bf655f4a502aa73b9a6a9b6
[Fix WebKit name in hierarchy.list
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100421213615
 Ignore-this: 1f1d0daa69c2b9d08af7086ee6aad926
[Undo moving the Types file to the exposed modules. This can't build.
 Ignore-this: 3fd910eb3ba8f76a41d68d595c8d053b
[TAG 0.10.5
 Ignore-this: 2b933470cd14a19e695a4387c97c83e7
Patch bundle hash:
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