
I have reviewed some of the webkit signal bindings and 
adjust a few of them. I also observe that there are two
files missing in webkit darcs: 

"Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/CacheModel.chs" and 

For one of these signals I needed the ability to handle
strings that can be null. Hence I have extended
the callbackGen tool and glib. 

regards Daniel
3 patches for repository http://code.haskell.org/webkit:

Fri Sep  3 23:01:41 CEST 2010  Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>
  * Adjust resourceRequestStarting signal.

Sat Sep  4 02:37:25 CEST 2010  Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>
  * adjust hoveringOverLink signal
  This patch is using the maybePeekUTFString extension to glib. Now
  this signal can be bound without the pain of segfaults.

Sat Sep  4 03:04:12 CEST 2010  Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>
  * adjust iconLoaded signal

New patches:

[Adjust resourceRequestStarting signal.
Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>**20100903210141
 Ignore-this: 457bcc691e89813d4c239e4e61f5b538
] hunk ./Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/WebView.chs 1203
 -- The 'WebResource' object will be the same throughout all the lifetime of 
the resource, 
 -- but the contents may change from inbetween signal emissions.
-resourceRequestStarting :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (WebFrame -> 
WebResource -> NetworkRequest -> NetworkResponse -> IO ())
-resourceRequestStarting = Signal (connect_OBJECT_OBJECT_OBJECT_OBJECT__NONE 
+resourceRequestStarting :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (WebFrame -> 
WebResource -> Maybe NetworkRequest -> Maybe NetworkResponse -> IO ())
+resourceRequestStarting = Signal (connect_OBJECT_OBJECT_MOBJECT_MOBJECT__NONE 
 -- | When a frame wants to cancel geolocation permission it had requested 
hunk ./marshal.list 56
[adjust hoveringOverLink signal
Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>**20100904003725
 Ignore-this: a156539b3a4774750fbd96ae4641ae4c
 This patch is using the maybePeekUTFString extension to glib. Now
 this signal can be bound without the pain of segfaults.
] hunk ./Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/WebView.chs 970
 -- title - the link's title or @Nothing@ in case of failure.
 -- uri - the URI the link points to or @Nothing@ in case of failure.
-hoveringOverLink :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (String -> String -> IO())
+hoveringOverLink :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (Maybe String -> Maybe 
String -> IO())
 hoveringOverLink =
hunk ./Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/WebView.chs 972
-    Signal (connect_STRING_STRING__NONE "hovering-over-link")
+    Signal (connect_MSTRING_MSTRING__NONE "hovering-over-link")
 -- | When a 'WebFrame' begins to load, this signal is emitted
 loadStarted :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (WebFrame -> IO())
hunk ./marshal.list 18
 #   FLOAT       for single-precision float types (gfloat)
 #   DOUBLE      for double-precision float types (gdouble)
 #   STRING      for string types (gchar*)
+#   MSTRING     for string types (gchar*) that could be NUL
 #   BOXED       for boxed (anonymous but reference counted) types (GBoxed*)
 #   POINTER     for anonymous pointer types (gpointer)
 #   NONE        deprecated alias for VOID
hunk ./marshal.list 61
[adjust iconLoaded signal
Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>**20100904010412
 Ignore-this: 35233408d3767816c24ca925e5b3e627
] hunk ./Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/WebView.chs 1122
 -- | Emitted after Icon loaded
-iconLoaded :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (IO ())
+iconLoaded :: WebViewClass self => Signal self (String -> IO ())
 iconLoaded =
hunk ./Graphics/UI/Gtk/WebKit/WebView.chs 1124
-    Signal (connect_NONE__NONE "icon-loaded")
+    Signal (connect_STRING__NONE "icon-loaded")
 -- | The "redo" signal is a keybinding signal which gets emitted to redo the 
last editing command.


[Replace tab with space
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100825045926
 Ignore-this: 7aa4789313e606821b31eff8ebe57de0
[Tag 0.11.1
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100729183530
 Ignore-this: 651741b8f68f1185d17cbcd66761ad36
[Generate better haddock docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100729183116
 Ignore-this: 24ba8406f74cbf0fbcb4991162237c28
[Fix webSettingsFantasyFontFamily attr
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100722171625
 Ignore-this: 8e6a8584cca8a9990eb2dbc9d76727c
[Update to WebKitGTK+ 1.1.23
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628123709
 Ignore-this: 5b896bac25c262073551a365c31cb897
[Update to WebKitGTK+ 1.1.20
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628122050
 Ignore-this: 3a4a054bb21e8109ee5c8c911e617fbb
[Update WebKitGTK+ 1.1.18
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628121542
 Ignore-this: 36b3ca2f42bb0ba196f4b1c0a4419af1
[Update to WebKitGTK+ 1.1.17
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628115119
 Ignore-this: d4d2b79cb755732c94178dba2578cd34
[Update to WebKitGTK+ 1.1.16
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628114005
 Ignore-this: e812cedfc8dd43dacf4d9f8e121d7dd3
[Fix Haddock Type link.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100627054230
 Ignore-this: 4e7ee4131ad828779b3cb6b0b97ab466
[Fix Source-Repository
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100605125027
 Ignore-this: 9e4669ba569ec0d10f1d9b714146d7a
[Move hierarchy.list to webkit package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools 
after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604132832
 Ignore-this: 9ed4fbed03ad8fe1d4cf56034c3dfdbf
[Fix Gtk2hsSetup.hs bug.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527095718
 Ignore-this: ad0594b0dfa7d9f3c35d34cb7ed771a4
[Add demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527062107
 Ignore-this: 6f0fded471c305d2d432e5ba4bb0ba63
[Fix license
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527035738
 Ignore-this: 985672b6e5bb69e884dc4c8c3610aad7
[Remove all but webkit.
[Documentation fix for EventM.
 Ignore-this: 25c3bf3513ec6467cbd0febe397ab53e
[Put upper bounds on base version.
 Ignore-this: f92b2d9970c436c9fcbcf141fc988e8
[Make documentation parsable.
 Ignore-this: 60f44b8251a9f3e933c874f72d8e8801
[Make the version test in pango less complex as Cabal 1.6 doesn't parse it 
 Ignore-this: f3446237cf66abf49e81bd4ba8ef9744
[Fix an incorrect pattern in windowSetIcon.
 Ignore-this: eb596c778897b4ae4fd7f9a8dde59726
[Get rid of stock images under ./docs/reference/images
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524235315
 Ignore-this: 1094aaf32c73ba189937e1beee24ee49
[Redirect image link to library.gnome.org and update image items to GTK+ 2.20
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524233947
 Ignore-this: f33362d57605d16365e4dfac59c01122
[Add an upper version to the requirement on base.
[Be more specific as to the prerequisites of packages.
[Fix docu.
[Make soegtk compile by fixing dependency on old-time and by not relying on Gtk 
[don't mention tools in the docs for unregistering.
[TAG 0.11.0
Patch bundle hash:
2 patches for repository http://code.haskell.org/gtk2hs:

Sat Sep  4 02:27:19 CEST 2010  Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>
  * add function maybePeekUTF8String 
  In cases when a marshelled string maybe null the usual peekUTF8String
  generates a segfault. Hence we have to use maybePeek in combination
  with peekCString. 

Sat Sep  4 02:32:40 CEST 2010  Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>
  * add mstring type to the callbackgen syntax
  With the maybePeekUTFString function we have the ability to marshal strings
  which could be Null, know we are also able to use this new functionality
  in the callback generation lists. 

New patches:

[add function maybePeekUTF8String 
Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>**20100904002719
 Ignore-this: b8ba058cbae65702b6a1f1b707547946
 In cases when a marshelled string maybe null the usual peekUTF8String
 generates a segfault. Hence we have to use maybePeek in combination
 with peekCString. 
] {
hunk ./glib/System/Glib/UTFString.hs 34
+  maybePeekUTFString,
hunk ./glib/System/Glib/UTFString.hs 51
 import Control.Monad   (liftM)
 import Data.Char (ord, chr)
+import Data.Maybe (maybe)
 import System.Glib.FFI
hunk ./glib/System/Glib/UTFString.hs 80
 peekUTFString :: CString -> IO String
 peekUTFString strPtr = liftM fromUTF $ peekCString strPtr
+-- Define maybePeekUTFString to retrieve UTF-8 from a ptr which is maybe null.
+maybePeekUTFString :: CString -> IO (Maybe String)
+maybePeekUTFString strPtr = liftM (maybe Nothing (Just . fromUTF)) $ maybePeek 
peekCString strPtr
 -- Define peekUTFStringLen to retrieve UTF-8.
 peekUTFStringLen :: CStringLen -> IO String
[add mstring type to the callbackgen syntax
Daniel Ehlers <danielehl...@mindeye.net>**20100904003240
 Ignore-this: 941e7298bc573653b113ac1164021f66
 With the maybePeekUTFString function we have the ability to marshal strings
 which could be Null, know we are also able to use this new functionality
 in the callback generation lists. 
] {
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 29
           | Tfloat
           | Tdouble
           | Tstring
+       | Tmstring      
           | Tboxed             -- a struct which is passed by value
           | Tptr               -- pointer
           | Ttobject           -- foreign with WidgetClass context
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 102
 scan ('F':'L':'O':'A':'T':xs) = TokType Tfloat:scan xs
 scan ('D':'O':'U':'B':'L':'E':xs) = TokType Tdouble:scan xs
 scan ('S':'T':'R':'I':'N':'G':xs) = TokType Tstring:scan xs
+scan ('M':'S':'T':'R':'I':'N':'G':xs) = TokType Tmstring:scan xs
 scan ('B':'O':'X':'E':'D':xs) = TokType Tboxed:scan xs
 scan ('P':'O':'I':'N':'T':'E':'R':xs) = TokType Tptr:scan xs
 scan ('T':'O':'B':'J':'E':'C':'T':xs) = TokType Ttobject:scan xs
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 143
 identifier Tfloat   = ss "FLOAT"
 identifier Tdouble  = ss "DOUBLE"
 identifier Tstring  = ss "STRING"
+identifier Tmstring = ss "MSTRING"
 identifier Tboxed   = ss "BOXED"
 identifier Tptr            = ss "PTR"
 identifier Ttobject  = ss "OBJECT"
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 168
 rawtype Tfloat   = ss "Float"
 rawtype Tdouble  = ss "Double"
 rawtype Tstring  = ss "CString"
+rawtype Tmstring  = ss "CString"
 rawtype Tboxed   = ss "Ptr ()"
 rawtype Tptr    = ss "Ptr ()"
 rawtype Ttobject  = ss "Ptr GObject"
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 194
 rawtype Tfloat   = ss "{#type gfloat#}"
 rawtype Tdouble  = ss "{#type gdouble#}"
 rawtype Tstring  = ss "CString"
+rawtype Tmstring  = ss "CString"
 rawtype Tboxed   = ss "Ptr ()"
 rawtype Tptr      = ss "Ptr ()"
 rawtype Ttobject  = ss "Ptr GObject"
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 219
 usertype Tfloat          (c:cs) = (ss "Float",cs)
 usertype Tdouble  (c:cs) = (ss "Double",cs)
 usertype Tstring  (c:cs) = (ss "String",cs)
+usertype Tmstring  (c:cs) = (ss "Maybe String",cs)
 usertype Tboxed   (c:cs) = (sc c,cs)
 usertype Tptr    (c:cs) = (ss "Ptr ".sc c,cs)
 usertype Ttobject  (c:cs) = (sc c.sc '\'',cs)
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 280
 nameArg Tfloat  c = ss "float".shows c
 nameArg Tdouble         c = ss "double".shows c
 nameArg Tstring         c = ss "str".shows c
+nameArg Tmstring c = ss "str".shows c
 nameArg Tboxed   c = ss "box".shows c
 nameArg Tptr     c = ss "ptr".shows c
 nameArg Ttobject  c = ss "obj".shows c
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 308
 marshExec Tdouble arg _ body = body. sc ' '. arg
 marshExec Tstring arg _ body = indent 5. ss "peekUTFString ". arg. ss " >>= 
\\". arg. ss "\' ->".
                                body. sc ' '. arg. sc '\''
+marshExec Tmstring arg _ body = indent 5. ss "maybePeekUTFString ". arg. ss " 
>>= \\". arg. ss "\' ->".
+                               body. sc ' '. arg. sc '\''
 marshExec Tboxed  arg n body = indent 5. ss "boxedPre". ss (show n). ss " 
(castPtr ". arg. ss ") >>= \\". arg. ss "\' ->".
                                body. sc ' '. arg. sc '\''
 marshExec Tptr   arg _ body = body. ss " (castPtr ". arg. sc ')'
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/HookGenerator.hs 364
                      ss "' = (fromRational.toRational) double".shows n
 marshExec Tstring n = indent 4.ss "str".shows n.
                      ss "' <- peekCString str".shows n
+marshExec Tmstring n = indent 4.ss "str".shows n.
+                     ss "' <- maybePeekCString str".shows n
 marshExec Tboxed  n = indent 4.ss "box".shows n.ss "' <- boxedPre".
                      shows n.ss " $ castPtr box".shows n
 marshExec Tptr   n = indent 4.ss "let ptr".shows n.ss "' = castPtr ptr".
hunk ./tools/callbackGen/Signal.chs.template 49
 import Control.Monad   (liftM)
 import System.Glib.FFI
-import System.Glib.UTFString   (peekUTFString)
+import System.Glib.UTFString   (peekUTFString,maybePeekUTFString)
 import System.Glib.GError      (failOnGError)
 {#import System.Glib.Signals#}
 {#import System.Glib.GObject#} 


[Add new module File.MountOperation.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830151840
 Ignore-this: d59d980c0f36376e14a4a37e79c487b2
[Add new module File.IOError.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830151740
 Ignore-this: 57ae693466a3466b26c936d32223f34b
[Add new module File.FileMonitor.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830151613
 Ignore-this: b890d52b7872aca8f0b02bc5b3bd8082
[Use withCString instead withUTFString in fileInfoSetSymlinkTarget
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830151519
 Ignore-this: a77406426b53d71127df92a8958ad1b9
[Add new module System.GIO.File/FileInfo.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830104931
 Ignore-this: bc9b86d4ff5ea8f76cbe2e9ce0c0b523
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830071240
 Ignore-this: 40f4fe55a1fea4aee4c2e0ac4976529f
[Fix GError functions of FileEnumerator.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830071056
 Ignore-this: 3ae6b5422a8f68cff9a033c18b63ca97
[Fix GError functions of File.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830071016
 Ignore-this: bd9fc6eeb52c895ec60f8afba1f08ad1
[Fix GError functions in AppInfo.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830070425
 Ignore-this: 64920d4262f106176dea790ca7f01326
[Remove withGObject and Base.chs. (Don't need withGObject anymore)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830070308
 Ignore-this: 9a605c83179844f0db5201cf84f31594
[Fix GError functions
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100830070128
 Ignore-this: 8b6da2b20a648be0751861498161b50f
[Replace tab with space
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100825050149
 Ignore-this: 2b04b5086e708df42ff9b5c52da87b28
[Remove g_list_free from FileEnumerator.chs (fromGList is enough)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820074837
 Ignore-this: 31d7621be0486119502a2dd58a421e3b
[Add new module System.GIO.File.FileEnumerator
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815182246
 Ignore-this: 611db116b306692524bc3150d98069d6
[Remove g_list_free from contentTypesGetRegistered (fromGList free GList)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820073038
 Ignore-this: c0bd4b1934151593735983781b09a53c
[Fix docs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820072853
 Ignore-this: 365eb686a956c0751d1b589a4063de18
[Use unsafePerformIO wrap contentTypeFromMimeType 
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820072729
 Ignore-this: d56f9609209674c5965a625a0dea3ea9
[Change appInfoGetId to 'IO (Maybe String)'
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820072634
 Ignore-this: 89d11b9f1abd8d02cb7c962f71789440
[Add new module System.GIO.File.ContentType
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815182050
 Ignore-this: bde0c7cca0295d4312be28d3d8c031f4
[Change Gicon to GIcon
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820065711
 Ignore-this: bc628738737996e81479c584e4722c00
[Fix docs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820065310
 Ignore-this: 86084932a239bc6c4303afba524c17cf
[Add new module System.GIO.File.AppInfo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815181814
 Ignore-this: 23ce5a7d752a7e5d00374b9574282fd5
[Fix docs of System.GIO.Enums.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820010227
 Ignore-this: c79c94787be2a4ef2ad4d80ef648c5ec
[Add signal entryInsertAtCursor
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820004055
 Ignore-this: 77cf0a94afaf0852a9e12be937347564
[Fix GtkEntry signal docs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820003648
 Ignore-this: 9f6e7a8a273147926809dc57aa68484e
[Fix docs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820003233
 Ignore-this: 34a56e4307a6f4f64dd7f80c26ccfcb3
[Remove docs for GAsyncReadyCallback
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820003028
 Ignore-this: 620ba9abd566bd2ff98d11e7533f4b31
[Add attrs : rangeSliderSizeFixed rangeMinSliderSize
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820002548
 Ignore-this: 405a799689dcd18938af254be04bf82c
[Fix GtkRange docs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100820000331
 Ignore-this: 12fcb5e26cebeb4a4dae6eaf004022a6
[Fix GtkEntry docs (change expose-event to eventExpose)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100819235914
 Ignore-this: 2d6dedd6c370a1f5002984c71a614b9f
[Add new function tooltipSetIconFromGicon
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817034726
 Ignore-this: 57c707c8842c3e2ca565f0772c3f9233
[Add new attr : actionAlwaysShowImage
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817033740
 Ignore-this: d601f866f9021e542dc32b9ca97609c4
[Add demo
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815184632
 Ignore-this: a86db09851a251d99499bed0e8a23361
[Add new Widget functions : widgetHasRcStyle widgetGetRealized widgetGetMapped
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817033402
 Ignore-this: 30dffb060a9cc4155727e8f8b894324d
[Add function statusIconSetName
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817032415
 Ignore-this: a41103b6ca70cd65f760933db721c50a
[Add function statusbarGetMessageArea
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817032115
 Ignore-this: 76836112f3b4e2fed9b1c4c7dadad9c3
[Add function panedGetHandleWindow
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817031724
 Ignore-this: 9d8a1cfe3a72730c0fba61d3d0f2cd30
[Add signal textViewPreeditChanged
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817022547
 Ignore-this: b56693b30ca1d3e11d42269710bc7bbf
[Update GtkRange to 2.20
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817022053
 Ignore-this: e484ad25c495097cc7dc810f38d94978
[Add function dialogGetWidgetForResponse
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817020134
 Ignore-this: 16b0b214e640ad0179ef8ea7ddb2af39
[Add new functions : entryGetIconWindow, entryGetTextWindow
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817015250
 Ignore-this: 1f2034f25d379c8c77c1f8709f499bf3
[Update GtkEntry signals
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100817014513
 Ignore-this: a25e193e80ece2bc1040032371ade6b5
[Update GtkWindow to 2.20 (Add function windowGetWindowType and attribute 
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816191113
 Ignore-this: c0cb4d9b072b5499e6e00a4e994389b1
[Add function viewportGetBinWindow
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816190159
 Ignore-this: 8aecbcb5830064b57e1154680438c779
[Add functions : notebookGetActionWidget/notebookSetActionWidget
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816185054
 Ignore-this: fd413910a857c2000f19f65f9bc49e60
[Add new module Graphics.UI.Gtk.Display.Spinner 
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816183905
 Ignore-this: 2e82291368e55411e0445e1e5c6aaf09
[Tag pango-0.11.2
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816175242
 Ignore-this: 73138bdc0eafbd4fd05950655273b088
[Add macro make pango package can compile under pango-1.22.x
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100816110657
 Ignore-this: 8bfa061a6a874fa04a0f36406b42bff1
[Update System.GIO.File module
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815181350
 Ignore-this: ff018efa91ad990ddfdb017c1ede3e6a
[Fix FileAttribute.hsc docs and add new attributes.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815181210
 Ignore-this: 2b18d5e36abe743fb1f1be8dcb3c3d31
[Fix AsyncREslut.chs docs and move marshalAsyncReadyCallback from Base.chs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815181049
 Ignore-this: b1ad70f5089ffdedddc0155749eca08f
[Update System.GIO.Async.Cancellable module
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815180837
 Ignore-this: 9ab8b1149393518e6bc650cc857c8775
[Add System.GIO.Enums module
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815180706
 Ignore-this: ac76f7e910be014e85b2f0ab4a4e364f
[Just left withGObject in Base.chs (other functions use glib functions replace)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815180338
 Ignore-this: 27ac454fc22e55415848de4ed5df4c15
[Add new signal type.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815180058
 Ignore-this: 5f52cc57d55277bfe900a7de70973f9
[Bump version of gtk 0.11.2 since I had a local change that turned debug output 
 Ignore-this: a69540495d3e41292b9edf585ff8f4e6
[TAG 0.11.1
 Ignore-this: 6017e3eec3a9de0de3372ef98c2b485b
[Fix INSTALL instructions.
 Ignore-this: ccc365ace9fb14833a583ab4fb16dbe0
[Bump versions of all packages.
 Ignore-this: 3ecd327e02dac0e6598da49eb9dd39b0
[Make the drawing demo build.
 Ignore-this: 86a23373d98e8e5c302449a925df42fb
[Fix gtk signal name (Turn _ to - )
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100815122953
 Ignore-this: e335b0039ce30a700bbddb470f8ba34
[Use functions instead of macros to acquire locks. Fixes a symbol not found 
error in ghci on Windows.
 Ignore-this: 1a527803c6e56d1cfc5cfccc26d3604f
[Fix a warning in GHC 6.12.
 Ignore-this: ae76fcda5ca3662f7730c25d787f9366
[Remove recordpatch.sh, it's should in my local multiple repo. Sorry, :)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100808234059
 Ignore-this: 840a184a764279caa0842ac8a94232be
[Add ./recordpatch.sh script to record patch faster.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100807192050
 Ignore-this: e87a181746571ad8119c74c193d12c92
[Adjust drawableGetID. (But still failed on Windows)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100724194553
 Ignore-this: f92028eb5f358c8da1fe0f0d864ba99
[Use EventM rewrite CairoGhci.hs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100724174546
 Ignore-this: 765c04f63f4738f751ef32bcc12725db
[Fix demo CairoGhci compile problem.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100724170420
 Ignore-this: 6145de3d109a75bc3b25ec84d49bfb55
[Fix pango compile problem: add 'pangocairo >= 1.10' in pango.cabal
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100724061436
 Ignore-this: 2fabeee5f2876bb6c3d76af3067bb2b2
[Move cairo rendering functions for pango into the pango package.
 Ignore-this: 7cddb7eeaa2bb7673045af036e0a57a9
[Add an option to the type generator to ignore the --destructor command line 
spec. This allows e.g. Pixbufs to be GC'd immediatlely.
 Ignore-this: fe533f76b033d2783713909f5c03eaf9
[Doc fix.
 Ignore-this: 8e845b0b6ce26e38abf6e9112e061010
[Add missing type in Pango.BasicTypes Weight. (Fixed bug 1184)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716164718
 Ignore-this: 17f38af03f07808b251727b4e01797e9
 Documentation at 
http://library.gnome.org/devel/pango/1.28/PangoMarkupFormat.html is leak, need 
check those type in pango-enum-types.c 
[Add gdk_get_default_root_window (Fixed ticket 1118)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716160750
 Ignore-this: 3d19dd5ea992ebf60425cbd6183a077a
[Make sure click close button will destory window in ghci. (Fixed bug 1172)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716151237
 Ignore-this: 11a06164b3a56ea4f8a6f4e460f42c1e
[Add 2.14 macro to make Builder.chs can build on gtk+-2.12 or higher (Fixed bug 
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716143251
 Ignore-this: beb720b6f7556bbb0352287f7bc5d56f
[Export drawWindowScroll (Fixed ticket: 1186)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716135320
 Ignore-this: f759d2754007b99f16915a8eaab2847d
[Fix null pointer bug in some signals. (Fixed bug 1194)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716134138
 Ignore-this: de9e51c5f86a5d3cd4f375bfe0ab043d
[Export imageSurfaceCreateFromPNG. (Fixed bug 1173)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716125655
 Ignore-this: 22cbe2f1c6df7f587bccb1b5d4d60ed7
[Export some functions (fix bug 1171)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100716125209
 Ignore-this: e40b04bb32d6b90580eca3a2094a9577
[Work around a bug in ghci that causes a crash on x86-64 platforms.
 Ignore-this: 2e16c4dea831f0e52fbc7b1834d564f6
[Fix indentation in hsgthread.c module.
 Ignore-this: ee943347749c31249eb0141113d86be5
[Acquire the Gtk lock only when initializing.
 Ignore-this: e1f6d2e97259bc541a0e029c99212923
[Add more debug output.
 Ignore-this: 4eeb70916bcecfe3d7f312b4b2d3bcff
[Add some entering and leaving of the Gdk thread and add debug output.
 Ignore-this: 3b1fa3be7d5b88792eb7956502497b90
[Get docs in right order.
 Ignore-this: 1d73bb3f15c75d65694bf4834071804f
[Fix documentation and don't import internal functions from ByteString.
 Ignore-this: 6347b22b1641978869ebe1dd67f4f9a9
[Add textBufferSetByteString and textBufferGetByteString for *huge* file.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100708122010
 Ignore-this: f7c8f643dc2cd1be2ac3c42f4e29640c
[Add widgetEvent.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100702143022
 Ignore-this: 57d807386fa34f6323c285913c4e1cf0
[Add mainDoEvent.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100701030836
 Ignore-this: 37cd08eb71f1eb3e77f09f04a02c5e3
[Revert previous patch, because insert Entire string in error will cause speak 
leak sometimes.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100629223233
 Ignore-this: 92751d107bce7aabe5f903d4baedcfaa
[Add string info in fromUTF for easier to debug.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100629085831
 Ignore-this: 7e11a77e7524f36a53c78c6ebf7a6e3b
[Update Embedded demos.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628072541
 Ignore-this: 1792a53558175309e474755b2fd170ab
[Add function drawableGetID.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100628071306
 Ignore-this: 66f80a911f63867209160d53e51c8498
[Fix freeHaskellFunPtr problem in Clipboard.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100627113550
 Ignore-this: efa86a719456d15b01eaaed62393f78f
[Apply Oleg's patch to fix clipboardRequestTargets segfault.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100627103336
 Ignore-this: 5602ff1727f889cdccc5bc2cb0f7353c
[Add MPlayer client demo.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100617090640
 Ignore-this: 5a8ab681c148ca07f27f768f9f62b1b7
[Move hierarchy.list to gtk package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools 
after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604131309
 Ignore-this: d3f52ea66e784a2ecd66d764571f58a9
[Move hierarchy.list to gio package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools 
after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604130442
 Ignore-this: 7539a9c035e4f25ac54d619c92021f49
[Move hierarchy.list to pango package (Don't need reinstall gtk2hs-buildtools 
after add new type)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604130210
 Ignore-this: b2ebce6749cf1083f3810e6175ceb1a2
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100604095408
 Ignore-this: 832b7cff47d7200ee89ee797981febee
[Create Gtk specific versions of functions that add something to the main loop. 
These specific functions acquire the Gtk lock before executing the action which 
the documentation promised but...
[Improve signal `queryTooltip`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100602070555
 Ignore-this: 4b625d69ebb779f22ec57ae0cc5223aa
[Add MenuToolButton support functions for Tooltip.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601165857
 Ignore-this: 9e153056f052f09f3bf7bd5569ce347c
[Fix `widgetTooltipMarkup` and docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601144701
 Ignore-this: 3fc33fd561f18f221d8b7b0215c71826
[Fix function `tooltipSetMarkup`
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601143948
 Ignore-this: b4af7ecca1bc74b22e20727f33729a8b
[Add Widget support functions for Tooltip.chs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601140304
 Ignore-this: 6b10098119f7a416d763c834bd892cae
[Add Tooltip.chs (The new module to replace Tooltips.chs)
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601131828
 Ignore-this: ca64d1d45d3c526494a41fb537d16c6c
[Clean bootstrap.sh
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100601122113
 Ignore-this: f59b5f9bf21945c39258a39432621a03
[Note that Cabal 1.8 is required for ghci support under Windows.
 Ignore-this: 1c5fc3bb7ad83f5d1094e0083ddd9913
[Do not query g_object_get_type as it only exists in newer Gtk+ versions.
 Ignore-this: 70d62f66a2eb159c7fd3e23079c5debf
[Remove gnomevfs sourceview mozembed since those packages has deprecated.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527124728
 Ignore-this: a1dfda3669b7417a7b09c3b4acfaa2d
 Below are backup repositories for those deprecated packages:
  * gnomevfs            : http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/gnomevfs/  
  * sourceview  : http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/sourceview/
  * mozembed            : http://www2.in.tum.de/~simona/mozembed/
[Fix IconTheme.chs docs.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527102140
 Ignore-this: 2f2b7ab508c688cc73f1b59012966d13
[Fix Gtk2HsSetup.hs bug.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527095530
 Ignore-this: 1b65945da174e05d0ad2a1f01e2ee651
[Add gnomevfs demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527061234
 Ignore-this: 40c6dd74b460d7546937212dacf1f9e1
[Add gtk demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527061041
 Ignore-this: 876a827c6f1bac1a8b26a99cd68c6005
[Add cairo demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527051924
 Ignore-this: b1a70c2a24812fb84c899e4e8ce3ca6c
[Add pango demo directory.
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527051205
 Ignore-this: af1ff611ab459ee2b6c5bc09a3f63c11
[Fix the license of gnomevfs
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100527035350
 Ignore-this: 9ac7c768af168d6f0c7af8c8790e8643
[Fix the license of gio.
 Ignore-this: 42fe27de2030e0395227f889ba5345d8
[Fix Trac #1164. toGSList was reversing lists.
 Ignore-this: c466eadbc5ae61ba71721fe15b44735a
[Remove gconf glade gstreamer gtkglext gtksourceview2 soegtk svgcairo vte 
webkit since these all now have their own repos.
[Documentation fix for EventM.
 Ignore-this: 25c3bf3513ec6467cbd0febe397ab53e
[Put upper bounds on base version.
 Ignore-this: f92b2d9970c436c9fcbcf141fc988e8
[Make documentation parsable.
 Ignore-this: 60f44b8251a9f3e933c874f72d8e8801
[Make the version test in pango less complex as Cabal 1.6 doesn't parse it 
 Ignore-this: f3446237cf66abf49e81bd4ba8ef9744
[Fix an incorrect pattern in windowSetIcon.
 Ignore-this: eb596c778897b4ae4fd7f9a8dde59726
[Get rid of stock images under ./docs/reference/images
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524235315
 Ignore-this: 1094aaf32c73ba189937e1beee24ee49
[Redirect image link to library.gnome.org and update image items to GTK+ 2.20
Andy Stewart <lazycat.mana...@gmail.com>**20100524233947
 Ignore-this: f33362d57605d16365e4dfac59c01122
[Add an upper version to the requirement on base.
[Be more specific as to the prerequisites of packages.
[Fix docu.
[Make soegtk compile by fixing dependency on old-time and by not relying on Gtk 
[don't mention tools in the docs for unregistering.
[TAG 0.11.0
Patch bundle hash:

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Description: PGP signature

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