Hi Andrew,

On 27.10.2011, at 05:50, Andrew Miller wrote:

> On 27/10/11 12:52, Andrew Miller wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm working on bindings for libappindicator (see
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators  
>> and
>> http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/ubuntu-11.10/c/appindicator/libappindicator-app-indicator.html)
>> .
>> My bindings use the same build system as gtk2hs.
>> Would it be appropriate to set the maintainer of the package as  
>> this list?

Hm, if you promise that you stay subscribed then I don't see a problem  
in using this list. However, the maintainer is really you and the fact  
that we use the mailing list as the contact for all the various Gtk2Hs- 
dependent packages is a legacy. So I guess it's up to you. Is there at  
least an author field that haddock can print? I think not...

> Just to follow up on this, the source code is now up on github:
>   * https://github.com/A1kmm/happindicator
> I've uploaded version 0.0.1 of the package (with no Maintainer:  
> field in
> the package description yet) to:
>   * http://hackage.haskell.org/package/happindicator
> I created a simple example program in the demos directory, but it  
> would
> be good to have more tests.
> This is my first gtk2hs-style binding, and so any feedback or  
> criticism
> would be welcomed, especially if I've inadvertently done something  
> in a
> non-idiomatic way.

I think there is a memory-management issue:

-- | This function retrieves the Application Indicator menu.
appIndicatorGetMenu :: AppIndicatorClass self => self -> IO Menu
appIndicatorGetMenu self =
   wrapNewGObject mkMenu $ {# call app_indicator_get_menu #}  
(toAppIndicator self)

Here, you probably need to use makeNewGObject which will add a  
reference count: you extract the handle to an object that stays inside  
the self object. Thus, in order to ensure that the Menu survives the  
AppIndicator, you need to add a new reference which is what  
makeNewGObject does. wrapNewGObject, in contrast, will free the object  
but not ref it. It's only used when you call a function that  
constructs a new object since that has a reference count of 0 (well,  
thereabouts, it's called floating reference).


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