Quoting wagne...@seas.upenn.edu:

> In the next version of GHC, the constructors for types used in  
> foreign  imports must be in scope at the import site. This patch  
> adds four  characters ( =) ) to make that true.

Actually, it turns out I was misinterpreting what bootstrap.sh was  
telling me, and that there are a few more places that need to be  
fixed. I'm having a tiny bit of trouble, though. In the gio package,  
there's a generated file System/GIO/Types.chs that needs to change,  
but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out how it's generated (and  
hence how to fix the generation). All that needs to change is the  
imports; the change is

-import Foreign.C.Types    (CULong, CUInt)
+import Foreign.C.Types    (CULong, CUInt(..))

I verified that this change lets the rest of the gio package build,  
but don't know how to make this change "stick". Any hints?


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