Hi Axel,

I'm a heavy user of gtk2hs from Well-Typed and my
colleague Duncan Coutts suggested I might help the gth2hs
community (and myself) by taking responsibility of
a release manager for the GHC 7.4.1 release of gtk2hs.
If you think that would be helpful, please let me know.

I've had a look at the packages and I'm happy to report
that after being patched recently by many people,
all the core packages compile (and seem to work) well
with 7.4.1 (as well as 7.5 from a couple days ago).
I've not done any extensive tests yet, though.

Of the packages from


and not in the "deprecated packages" category,
I couldn't find sources of gnomevfs and the sources
of gstreamer are under


and not "http://code.haskell.org/gtk2hs/gstreamer";
as advertised. I also have an impression the "deprecated
packages" category may grow a bit for this release (glade?).
Did I miss any other code that needs testing for GHC 7.4.1?

Not all non-core packages compile, but I should be able
to fix some. I hope the community would help with the others
or confirm that they are not release blockers.
We could use some help with testing on OSX and Windows, too.

Thank you and all the other hackers for the work on ghk2hs.
I'd be glad to help in turn.


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