Applied, thanks!

Quoting Duncan Coutts <>:

> Hi folks,
> With current Gtk+ windows bundles we have the problem that the cairo
> binding fails to load in ghci, though it works fine for compiling
> standalone .exes.
> The source of the problem is that the ghc-pkg package registration
> information is wrong, it ends up containing:
>         extra-libraries: z cairo
>         extra-ghci-libraries: libcairo-script-interpreter-2
> when it should be:
>         extra-libraries: z cairo
>         extra-ghci-libraries: libcairo-2
> Background: when the extra-ghci-libraries field is present then ghci
> will use it instead of the extra-libraries field. This lets ghci cope
> with the fact that the static lib is called libcairo.a while the dynamic
> lib is called libcairo-2.dll.
> The extra-ghci-libraries field is set in by a bit of code in the
> Gtk2HsSetup.hs file which looks for a .dll file corresponding to the
> main lib that is needed. It's pure guesswork based on file names. The
> code currently falls over in the case that there's more than one .dll
> file with the pattern libcairo-*.dll and with recent Gtk+ builds there's
> actually 3. So that's why it's picking libcairo-script-interpreter-2
> rather than libcairo-2.
> The attached patch changes this heuristic so that if there's several
> choices then we pick the one with the shortest file name. I don't claim
> that's fool proof (obviously it isn't) but it's a lot better than just
> picking randomly based on directory ordering as it does now.
> BTW: I've only adjusted the cairo/Gtk2HsSetup.hs, and it's preferably to
> keep them all in sync. Also, I've not actually tested the patch on
> Windows but it looks "Obviously Correct"(tm) :-)
> Duncan

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