I'm very sorry,

I thought the changes to my code were very simple, and so I did not create a
test case.  Now I've realised this problem is not simple at all, and even 
that I may not have fixed the bug in my program at all.  It appears that 
something chaotic is happening, perhaps a race condition somewhere in the 
GTK code.  I'll get back to you guys when I have some idea of what is going 


---------- Původní zpráva ----------
Od: Axel Simon <axel.si...@in.tum.de>
Datum: 2. 12. 2012
Předmět: Re: [Gtk2hs-devel] panedAdd1 has the wrong type

"Paned will accept any widget as child, so the patch is incorrect. I'm 
surprised that it should change something semantically, since all the Gtk2Hs
type conversations are no-ops at the end of the day.


On 01.12.2012, at 22:12, wagne...@seas.upenn.edu wrote:

> I can't reproduce this problem. My test program is below; it correctly 
> shows "foo" when I run it. Can you try to make a minimal example, 
> please?
> ~d
> import Graphics.UI.Gtk(http://Graphics.UI.Gtk)
> main = do
> initGUI
> w <- windowNew
> w `onDestroy` mainQuit
> p <- hPanedNew
> v <- vBoxNew True 2
> l <- labelNew (Just "foo")
> containerAdd v l
> panedAdd1 p (castToWidget v)
> containerAdd w p
> widgetShowAll w
> mainGUI
> Quoting timothyho...@seznam.cz:
>> Hello,
>> I just found a fun bug in GTK2HS.
>> <span class='hs-definition'>panedAdd1</span> <span 
>> class='hs-keyglyph'>::</span> <span class='hs-layout'>(</span><span 
>> class='hs-conid'>PanedClass</span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>self</span><span class='hs-layout'>,</span> <span 
>> class='hs-conid'>WidgetClass</span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>child</span><span class='hs-layout'>)</span> <span 
>> class='hs-keyglyph'>=></span> <span class='hs-varid'>self</span>
>> <a name='line-145'></a> <span class='hs-keyglyph'>-></span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>child</span> <span class='hs-comment'>-- ^ @child@ 
>> - the child to add</span>
>> <a name='line-146'></a> <span class='hs-keyglyph'>-></span> <span 
>> class='hs-conid'>IO</span> <span class='hs-conid'>()</span>
>> should be:
>> <span class='hs-definition'>panedAdd1</span> <span 
>> class='hs-keyglyph'>::</span> <span class='hs-layout'>(</span><span 
>> class='hs-conid'>PanedClass</span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>self</span><span class='hs-layout'>,</span> 
>> Container<span class='hs-conid'>Class</span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>child</span><span class='hs-layout'>)</span> <span 
>> class='hs-keyglyph'>=></span> <span class='hs-varid'>self</span>
>> <a name='line-145'></a> <span class='hs-keyglyph'>-></span> <span 
>> class='hs-varid'>child</span> <span class='hs-comment'>-- ^ @child@ 
>> - the child to add</span>
>> <a name='line-146'></a> <span class='hs-keyglyph'>-></span> <span 
>> class='hs-conid'>IO</span> <span class='hs-conid'>()</span>
>> I found this, because I had a VBox that I used to pass directly to 
>> 1.
>> Then after a remodularization I ended up calling castToWidget on said 
>> This resulted in my VBox not being added to the Paned at all :(
>> Interestingly, simply doing castToContainer again didn't save me. I had 
>> create a new VBox to put my widgetized VBox into...
>> Tim
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