
The documentation of treeStoreInsertForest is:

  -- | Insert nodes into the store.
  -- * The given list of nodes is inserted into given parent at @pos@.
  --   If the parent existed, the function returns @Just path@ where @path@
  --   is the position of the newly inserted elements. If @pos@ is negative
  --   or greater or equal to the number of children of the node at @path@,
  --   the new nodes are appended to the list.
  treeStoreInsertForest ::
      TreeStore a -- ^ the store
   -> TreePath    -- ^ @path@ - the position of the parent
   -> Int         -- ^ @pos@ - the index of the new tree
   -> Forest a    -- ^ the list of trees to be inserted
   -> IO ()

Notice that it is mentioned that the function returns the position of
the newly inserted elements, although this is not the case.

Can the function implementation be fixed so that it returns the
position, as documented?

Without that information, it is not easy to work with newly inserted

I suppose the related functions treeStoreInsert and treeStoreInsertTree
have to be fixed too.


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