Hello from what I gather this functionality has been removed from gtk4, and
thus gtkmm4.
Is it really the case? I might add. Having a window appear at 0,0 is very
annoying. gtk4-demo does it too, or any of the example code, Ii would in my
opinion unacceptable to roll out applications with such behaviour. I know
it is not  fault of gtkmm :)

An OT ramble:

I had a day or so  migrating to gtkmm4 encountering many undocumented
features along the way, namespace changes right left and centre, no mention
of it on the gtkmm pages. Nothing too difficult to overcome though.

My experience overall:

I don't  want to move to gtkmm4 just yet, amongst other uncertainties I
experienced. Replacing my mouse button events with Gtk::Gestures in  a
drawing area started behaving oddly at times, the mouse cursor not changing
when I requested it to change on a motion notify event. etc. (I noticed
some similar oddities in the gtk4-demo too)

The tutorial only covers keyboard events briefly, nothing else in that
All that said. I believe all is now working in gtkmm4 what I had in gtkmm3.
Do I feel confident about some the changes and the robustness of some
features in gtk4 NO :D

Note I build gtkmm from the tarballs as mentioned by  Kjell Ahlsted
<https://gitlab.gnome.org/kjellahl>t the gtk devel package depends on was
already available on Fedora.
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