Then you could dash off to the Grand Canyon for lunch! 

Those East Coasters.... They haven't a clue.  They fly-over the Plains and 
think they could drive through it in about the same time.... Mete and bounds. 
 Sigh.  The have no sense of order.  They zip from (EC) state to state in 
their little electric cars on 4 ft. wide roads.  If they have Krauser luggage 
it scrapes buildings on either side. 

BTW, You'll know Shawn when you see him.  He dresses like a pirate and 
carries a raisin eating pet monkey on his shoulder.   

REALLY!  Would I joke?


In a message dated 10/11/99 1:03:43 PM Central Daylight Time, 

> Uh......maybe I should be careful about these people I meet on the
>  internet.  I can just see the opening to CBS Evening News now--"Mad Biker
>  cannibalizes innocent New Mexican..."
>  Uh, Shawn.....ABQ is a looonnng way to go for breakfast.  Remember, NM is
>  a really big state.  Just doesn't have any people in it.  Big part of its
>  charm in fact.
>  Phil

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