Hey all:

I have a friend who's interested in a used GTS.  (yeah,
like you can find one new here in the states ;-)

If anyone is either selling one, or knows of someone
selling one, please contact Cory (below) directly.



 Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix       Phone: 408-576-3663
 Cadence Design Systems                                FAX: 408-894-3400
 2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1                      Pager: 888-853-8860 
 San Jose, CA  95134                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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From: "Cory Frost" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GTS???


You know of any good sources for clean used GTS1000's?
What is a good price to pay for one?

Cory F.

|_|_|_|_|  Cory Frost ~ ICQ#2279618
|_|_|_|_|  St. George, Utah
|_|_|_|_|  VMOA Webmaster  ~  www.v-max.com
|_|_|_|_|  VMOA # 350  ~ 1995 Vmax

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