** Reply to message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Mon, 4 Oct 1999 10:55:38 -0400 

Sorry these were down for a while....  I switched ISPs and unfortunately became very 


http://www.electronify.com/gts_info (for microfiche)..

I would _love_ to add a GTS  Manual, but alas no one has offered up an unbound copy 
for scanning.

As an experiment, coverted a 200 page cub scout game book to PDF. Now we can search 
for games and 
songs Easily.

Wouldn't you love to be able to quickly find sections of the GTS Manual that apply. 
For instance, do a 
search on "ABS" and find all the relevant pages?

\|/  \|/   Greg Christopher
  |    |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ICQ:   4997683
 PAGER: http://wwp.mirabilis.com/4997683

Outside of a dog, books are man's best friend. (inside of a dog, it's too dark to 

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