If you think the Bay Area is the greatest place on this planet, you need to get
out more often and for longer spells...i.e. abroad.

George says BA's just OK.

Mike wrote:

>     I'm definitely interested in a similiar ride.  I.e., two days, one night
> beginning and ending in the greatest place on the planet, the Bay Area.
> Mike Cordon
> '94 GTS
> Kelly Cash wrote:
> > > Sorry these were down for a while....  I switched ISPs and
> > > unfortunately became very lazy....
> > > http://www.electronify.com/gtsride
> >
> > Greg, that's a TERRIFIC writeup!  Thanks!!  (I hadn't seen it before)
> > It makes me want to do it again-  Either host the same tour, or make
> > another one.
> >
> > So I'm volunteering.  How about next June?  I've kinda got an idea
> > of something that goes through King's Canyon, Lake Isabella. and
> > around those parts.  In between the Bay Area and L.A.
> >
> > What do people think?  Interested in a big ride?  Same as last one,
> > or something like above, or something else?
> >
> > Let me know,
> >
> >  -K
> >
> > =========================================================================
> >  Mr. Kelly Cash / Chief Technologist MITS Unix       Phone: 408-576-3663
> >  Cadence Design Systems                                FAX: 408-894-3400
> >  2655 Seely Ave, Bldg 6, MS 6B1                      Pager: 888-853-8860
> >  San Jose, CA  95134                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > =========================================================================

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