Hey, Joe Loss--

Thanks for the info about faxing for the Krauser bags.  Too late, tho!!!  I 
got Fred Grefe's message and called today, and the bags will ship from 
Germany on Monday, 22 Nov., and I'll have 'em here in Phoenix, Arizona about 
5 days later.

Thanks everyone for helping me with this.  The way I see it, I think I saved 
about $9,400 -- but not including the cursing that'll come when I'm putting 
the things on the bike.

BTW, somebody told me there are only three GTS 1K (and that's my license 
plate number, too, and all name decals are removed from the bike except for 
the license plate name) in all of Arizona.  Might be interesting to do some 
sort of head count and see which state has the most and which the least.

Again, thanks everyone!!!

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