As for getting an RZ350 in, it's a matter of finding a friendly DMV person. 
Anywhere. If Phil is right and New Mexico is very lenient, go there and set 
something up. (It's a matter of how bad you want it.) I've heard that Vermont 
is also pretty easy. Once you've got it registered anywhere within the U.S., 
it's usually pretty easy to move it from state to state. I found it far 
easier and paid no penalties when buying an Arizona bike with expired tags 
than I did with a California bike with expired tags. (In hindsight, it would 
have been cheap to register the bike in Arizona first and double up on the 
sales tax instead of paying the penalty fees.) There might be a small problem 
of getting the bike across the border, but you could always have an 
off-highway sticker of some sort for that purpose. I don't know what the 
situation is with THIS RZ350, but for that much hassle, you can always find a 
nice one that's already here. Now if someone wants to help me get one of the 
2000 model Honda TransAlps over here, I'm willing to make some effort!


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