Tell the Forest Service not to listen to the Extreme Preservationists who
          are spreading lies about responsible OHV recreation!!!

On March 9, 2000 extreme preservationist organizations are planning a
national call-in day to the US Forest Service urging them to ban all OHV
recreation on lands managed by the Forest Service!

                   Let's Beat Them at Their Own Game!!!

To combat this campaign, the American Motorcyclist Association, National
OHV Conservation Council, the Blue Ribbon Coalition and a number of
multiple-use recreation and resource groups, are planning a national
PRO-OHV call-in day on March 7, 2000.

  On March 7th, call, e-mail, and FAX to the numbers below your positive
comments about the importance of responsible OHV recreation to millions of
Americans.  Include how OHV recreation relates to your family or business.
         If you can't get through on the 7th continue on the 8th.

                USFS Chief Mike Dombeck can be reached at:
                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                            FAX: (202)205-1765
                           Phone: (202)205-1661

Off-highway vehicle (OHV) use is among the fastest growing forms of family
recreation involving our nation's public lands.  OHVs and public land
access provide enriching opportunitites for families to responsibly enjoy
our country's natural resources.  But the opportunity to enjoy OHV use on
public land is under attack by President Clinton's "Wilderness Lite"
proposal.  (see

Over 100 conservation organizations (led by the Wilderness Society and the
Wildlands Center for Preventing Roads) have petitioned the Forest Service
to develop a comprehensive policy to ban the use of OHVs on National Forest
lands.  The petition calls on the Forest Service to adopt regulations to,
among other things, prohibit OHV use in proposed wilderness areas,
inventoried roadless areas, and other areas with roadless values.

Don't let the Sierra Club, The Wilderness Society, the Wildlands Center for
Preventing Roads, and other extreme preservationist groups destroy your
hard work to make OHV recreation the fun, family-oriented sport it is
today.  Call USFS Chief Dombeck on March 7th!

Please distribute this notice to your communication networks so that our
collective voice will be heard by USFS Chief Dombeck.

Terry Lee Cook
Government Relations Specialist
American Motorcyclist Association
13515 Yarmouth Drive
Pickerington, Ohio 43147

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