In your message dated: Wed, 24 May 2000 17:02:37 EDT,
your pithy ruminations on <RE: Corbin seat colors> were:
=> Yes!
=> Some artistic talent would be needed...
=> When I took my Corbin off and really looked at it, I
=> could see the contact points on the "leather".  I
=> actually took some measurements from the seat supports
=> on the frame to my side panels (spent waaay too much
=> on the paint to risk a rub mark) but found a pretty
=> consistent 6-7mm needing to be taken off.  (This still
=> leaves a much better fit than stock seat!)
=> PS--I also used rivet washers since I don't have those
=> fancy big headed ones Corbin used.

My Corbin seat also doesn't have the greatest fit...but there's an easy 
solution...remove the lock & latch mechanisms and put washers between the fiberglass 
seat pan and the hardware. This effectively raises the seat (the reverse of cutting 
away seat pan material). Very easy.


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